The Nature of Dowsing Ability
There is a thread on the t-net dowsing forum page discussing the nature of dowsing ability. First off let me say I am probably the biggest skeptic around. I've found items by dowsing and I've found many with a Molecular Frequency Discriminatof (MFD). I realize everyone has their own "theory". Someone posted a dowsing study on that thread about the lunar effects on dowsing. I really don't wish to be critical, but I just have to voice my concerns. The one graph appears to show the best time to dowse is at the full moon. I know from my own experience that this can be a good time, but there are many factors/variables involved. I know I have had some of my best locating a day or so off the new moon. It almost appears to me the graph is more of the hormone levels of the dowsers. And I would not rule out some sort of group hypnosis. Sorry but I have to say it. Like the study suggests, I have stated previously that there is a piezoelectric/piezomagnetic effect from the earth's crust. I've also said the water table levels rise and fall and this makes a lung effect in the soil where the radon gas is pushed up and increases the atmospheric conductivity. Even a change in barometric pressure can cause this. This effect does not occur only during the full moon. It happens at new moon and when the moon is directly overhead or directly under feet or moon rise or moon set.
I don't mean to single out one theory here. I've seen others claiming strong solar activity is necessary or the moon has to be overhead to name a few. Once a person gets something programmed into their subconscious, well just look at the skeptics. Look, I applaud this guy for the work he has done, but I can't help being skeptical. The results do not match my experiences. Of course there could be some biological explanation here, I don't know. Probably a better test would involve an electronic receiver, but even that depends on the emotional condition of the person running the equipment. I know there are days I can't run a metal detector vey well. |