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I will believe that an LRL using L rods does the job only if it works in anybodys hands.Thats very very difficult.
Only then we can say that the LRL is working.Good dowsers are making money selling LRLs.Some of them admit to their customers that they have to practice dowsing if they buy their LRL.Well a few of them end up dowsing succesfully while using the LRL they bought. Why? Well because they have a talent they didn't know and it just came up. Of course some of them beleive that it is the LRL that does the job. Ussually the ones that succed is the ones that beleived that they bought a good working LRL.This is only because a Dowser has first to really beleive that he can do it and only then it can happen. Sorry but I have to say it again. THE BEST LRL AROUND IS NO OTHER THAN HUMAN BEING AND EVERYTHING THAT GOES WHITH HIM. So in the hands of a good dowser(yes there are a few around no matter what you say) any frequency generator that uses L rods is working. I beleive Geo Knows by now that dowsing exists.I think nobody can convince him different neither myself. ![]() ![]() ![]() It is a great advantage for a Treasure Hunter to know if dowsing exists. And when I am saying "to know" I am talking about personal experience or "see it whith your eyes hapening" experience. Jesus Christ said once to his students: Don't be surprised whith what I am doing because you can do more than me but you have to beleive first. So beleive you can do it or in other words beleive in yourself. |