HZ vector and Halo-effect
New insight in the Halo-Phenomenon
Complex rotary motion of HZ vector (red arrow) induce vortex around the metals long time earthed. HZ vector represent a field. Second magnetic field. Cause of HZ are induced spin waves of dynamic electrons (electrons twist at own places but dont move). They are longitudinal in nature and rotate very fast like whirlpool. Net spin of HZ field has only two rotational states - CW or CCW. CW can badly affect human bio-field (aura), because suck bio-energy (implosion process). Place where is a big ammount of gold or silver, create mighty CW HZ field is very dangerous to all living organism. Possible induction process are telluric currents created by interaction of Aether wind (east-west) with Earth magnetic field (north-south) and vice-versa. Difference between transverse magnetic field and longitudinal mag.field is like difference between sky and the ground.
Make attention, EZ (electric field) component at Z axis is always 0.This means we heave deal with purte magnetic phenomenon but another kind.This field can boost speed of conduction currents in electronic devices while in other case can slow them. Also it is source of infinite energy because have Aetheric nature.