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Old 01-24-2006, 04:57 PM
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Carl, I think Mineoro can change your only one potentiometer microcontroller type for a PDC 205 or PDC 210 two controls type. These two models 2 pots. are very different. Also in the past I had the automatic...
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Old 01-26-2006, 09:46 AM
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If you are really looking for a long range detector then I have a chicken that can sense gold and silver at over 2 kilometres. After extensive conversations with a geneticist at university of Liverpool in England it seems that the chicken expresses a gene shared with dowsers. Now I’m not prepared to sell the actual chicken however the geneticist have assured me that there should be a least one chicken in each clutch that will share this gene. What I’m offering is each of these chicks for a bargain price of £10,000, yes I know there worth a lot more but I have so much gold and silver now that the money is unimportant to me, the £10,000 is just to ensure you can afford to give each one of my loved pets a good home. If you are not interested in a chick perhaps because of an allergy, then I can put you in touch with a good friend of mine Jack who has developed a new strain of bean that when grow in manure from my chickens will produce gold. As I have signed a non-disclosure agreement I am not at liberty to explain the process however in a similar manner that peas will fix nitrogen at its roots, this new strain of bean fixes gold near the top of the plant. The new stain of bean Phaseolus Mag icus will be offered at a reasonable £1000 per bean. Please note that you will not be allowed to sell any beans generated by the plant due to patient restrictions. If you are interested in getting in at the ground level of these products then drop me a mail at makmea@richman.org.
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Old 01-26-2006, 11:02 AM
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Thumbs up You can't trust results of Minero ..


You must know that every detected signal by device like Mineroo not true signal infact in real treasure field there are many things that may give you mistake signal if you want to buy a long range locator Thomas Gravitator or PMRIII of Anderson rods give you better results with less Mistake .
you must know all about soil condition and effect of ground electromagnetic field.
always check your result by a pulseInduction detector . I test many of them and Lorenz DeepMax is the best .

You can trust result of lorenz but alway before drill a deep well search near surface (to .5 meters deep of ground surface) by a 25 cm (Diameter) coil or a metal detector like explorer Minelab for finding junks.
it's very important because signal of junks and little metals near surface that they don't so far of each other is like a good treasure in deep.

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Old 01-26-2006, 05:48 PM
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Very good there unregistered rich guy.
"A liberal is man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel."
-- Robert Frost

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Old 01-28-2006, 12:57 AM
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Talking LRL

Originally Posted by Unregistered
If you are really looking for a long range detector then I have a chicken that can sense gold and silver at over 2 kilometres. After extensive conversations with a geneticist at university of Liverpool in England it seems that the chicken expresses a gene shared with dowsers. Now I’m not prepared to sell the actual chicken however the geneticist have assured me that there should be a least one chicken in each clutch that will share this gene. What I’m offering is each of these chicks for a bargain price of £10,000, yes I know there worth a lot more but I have so much gold and silver now that the money is unimportant to me, the £10,000 is just to ensure you can afford to give each one of my loved pets a good home. If you are not interested in a chick perhaps because of an allergy, then I can put you in touch with a good friend of mine Jack who has developed a new strain of bean that when grow in manure from my chickens will produce gold. As I have signed a non-disclosure agreement I am not at liberty to explain the process however in a similar manner that peas will fix nitrogen at its roots, this new strain of bean fixes gold near the top of the plant. The new stain of bean Phaseolus Mag icus will be offered at a reasonable £1000 per bean. Please note that you will not be allowed to sell any beans generated by the plant due to patient restrictions. If you are interested in getting in at the ground level of these products then drop me a mail at makmea@richman.org.
Hee Hee!!
and very reasonably priced too...
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Old 03-09-2006, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by hung
Yes. Ionic detection works and the Mineoro detectors do detect the gold ions.
All matter degrades with time and releases ions as they do.

Ions are modified atoms. When the atom loses electrons or gains electrons in this process of electron exchange, it is said to be IONIZED. For ionization to take place, there must be a transfer of energy which results in a change in the internal energy of the atom. Earth acts like this. An atom having more than its normal amount of electrons acquires a negative charge, and is called a NEGATIVE ION. The atom that gives up some of its normal electrons is left with less negative charges than positive charges and is called a POSITIVE ION.

The static electricity acts as a 'vehicle' transporting the ions in a elipse shape field and the detector captures the signal.

This explanation is for all the others who don't know how it works. You have been given enough info about it and still seem to not comprehend it.

I'm a one type of person who does not try to convince people of the truth.They think and act at their will.

Static electricity?? The point is that STATIC electricity CANNOT transport jack s**t it's STATIC!! The only thing you can measure is the strength or density of the field, and in no way can so called ionic detection work in this way.

Looking at the internals of these LRL's, you stand more chance sticking a pin in a map and digging a hole there. Sure you might get lucky, and I have to admit that DOWSING DOES WORK, despite a comlete lack of scientific explanation.

What you have is not some fancy metal detector, it convinces the user that they have an innate ability to sense the distortions in the magnetic field of the earth, in the same way birds use it to navigate, yet you seem hell bent on trying to explain in bulls**t made up terminology, that which cannot be explained. I have yet to see one of these instruments better a pair of bent copper rods, or a crystal on a string held over a map. When will you people stop trying to pretend that you know what you are talking about and get real.

To be honest, these scams might work they might not, for some they do for others they don't, the more you believe, probably the more likely the unit is to work for you.

See PLACEBO in the dictionary, also GULLIBLE, SCAM, RIP-OFF and MUG. In some cases check out RETARD too.
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Old 03-12-2006, 10:19 PM
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Default Nexus

Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
HOWTO Build Your Own Long Range Locator
The operating principle of LRLs is not immediately obvious if viewed from the perspective of accepted physics. First hand examination of these devices will reveal an apparently simplistic construction that obscures the complex subtlety of their design.

Two types are described here. The first is similar to the Ranger-Tell Examiner, and the other is an advanced electronic device that operates on the same underlying principle as the Mineoro detectors.

For example, the Ranger-Tell Examiner may appear at first sight to contain just a handful of components that seem loosely connected in some arbitrary fashion. This conclusion is far from the truth, as will be explained fully in the following analysis.

One of the most confusing aspects of the Examiner design is the enameled wire that protrudes through the case and terminates just below the calculator housing without any apparent connection. This type of connection can be explained by reference to the work carried out by Zaev, Avramenko and Lisin on displacement current. According to the authors – "The measurement of the polarisation current in matter can clean up the long-standing dispute about the nature of dielectric permeability of metals, and also make possible the transmission of energy along an isolated conductor without a galvanically closed current circuit. Nicholai Tesla demonstrated this on 1st February 1892 in London but the description of the method applied by him for such a transmission line has not been preserved."

A simple circuit (known as Avramenko’s fork) can be used to demonstrate this method of energy transmission.


Note that there is no connection between the load and a common terminal, such as ground. The load is quite simply isolated from ground, but it still receives power.

This type of circuit is not subject to Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, and the output current measured in the load is not appreciatively affected by inserting a capacitor of 0.1uF in the line. This is the underlying principle of power derivation within the Examiner LRL, and the reason why the device needs no battery supply other than that provided by the calculator. Power to the circuit (a modified form of Avramenko’s fork) is provided directly by the calculator allowing precise tuning by the operator.

Although the original circuit contained two diodes, the version in the Examiner makes use of resonance techniques and longitudinal wave coupling to boost the energy to a level necessary for long range detection. The human component is also an essential part of the design. Just as a tuning fork (or in this case Avramenko’s fork) has natural frequencies for sound, the planet Earth has natural frequencies, called Schumann resonances, and the human brain has natural frequencies for electromagnetic radiation. It is known that that the Earth’s Schumann resonances are "in tune" with the human brain’s alpha and theta states. But since the Schumann resonance is very low, at about 7.5Hz, the frequencies programmed via the calculator must be down-converted and fine-tuned for effective long-range location to take place. In addition, the Schumann resonance can fluctuate by + or – 0.5Hz depending on the properties of the Earth’s electromagnetic cavity.

The natural frequencies of the human brain are:
    • Beta waves (14 to 30Hz)
    • Alpha waves (8 to 13Hz)
    • Theta waves (4 to 7 Hz)
    • Delta waves (1 to 3Hz)

This explains the inclusion of adjustable elements in the fork / down-converter circuit.

Although the underlying operating principle is complex and difficult to explain, the demonstrable success of these devices has been shown on a number of occasions. Unfortunately LRLs rarely work out-of-the-box, and may need to become acclimatised to their owner over a period of time. Perseverance is the key to successful hunting with an LRL.

Now – how to build your own:

Any battery powered calculator can theoretically be used as the high frequency programmable source. In fact, the simple cheap makes usually work best, as these all tend to use the same type of calculator chip.
  1. Construct the primary "coil" for the down-converter that provides coupling between the calculator chip and the modified fork circuit. This element is not as critical as the LRL manufacturers would have you believe, and constructing this element according to the figure below will ensure success.


    The primary serpentine "coil" is 22.5mm x 10mm, and requires a coil diameter of between 0.5 and 0.6mm.
  2. The telescopic aerial is a standard part, as its purpose is to couple the human operator to the Earth’s Schumann resonance.
  3. The modified fork circuit is identical to that shown below:

  4. That’s it! Simple really. There is no critical alignment required, except for the connection between the primary "coil" and the calculator. It is important that the end of the wire should protrude through the case, and terminate just below the calculator chip. In most calculators this chip is located near to the center of the unit.

Advanced LRL Detector Based On The Ionic Detection Concept
This advanced version is electronically-based and uses the so-called ionic-electrostatic phenomenon to provide long range directional detection of metal objects.

The full circuit details are not provided here, as the unit is still under heavy development. However, the block diagram of this unit is shown below:


The IEP Biotronic System (codenamed Garreutto) consists of the following building blocks: Target Height Identification System, Identification Stabilizer, Amplifier, and Sample Chamber Amplifier Module.

A sample of the target metal must be placed in the substance chamber of the SCAM, where it undergoes a process of automatic calibration. The detector uses a physical phenomenon known as Ionic-Electrostatic B.S. to detect long-range targets. Although this unit is still experimental, it has been characterized as having a maximum range of 500m and depth of 50m, yet it only weighs 1kg including batteries.

More details to follow...
Very impressive way of stating the scientific facts.
Now this principal of detection appear to have some similarities to the use of radiestezic rods.
I use to practice radiestezic searches and was very good at it.
Now I need to know more about some of the odd science behind those fenomenons. If you could help please use my e-mail chaushev2004@yahoo.co.uk
It will be nice to have a chat about some "wichcraft" )))

All best
Georgi Chaushev
The Nexus Designer
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Old 03-12-2006, 10:50 PM
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There speaks the voice of a VERY clever man! The Nexus is a very capable and beautifully built machine, but why no push button retune facility Georgi or is that for the Mk II
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Old 03-13-2006, 09:39 AM
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Default Nexus

Originally Posted by Siliquae_Sid
There speaks the voice of a VERY clever man! The Nexus is a very capable and beautifully built machine, but why no push button retune facility Georgi or is that for the Mk II

It does not require retune since it is stable enough.
How ever we should not discuss the Nexus on this tread. It will be better if you have any more questions to go to the Coils tread.
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Old 05-02-2006, 02:45 PM
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Any body who can give me a complete circuit and coil details specially the avramenko's fork circuit of the Ranger tell examiner for experiment purpose pls. My purpose is purely educational.

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Old 05-02-2006, 10:25 PM
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Default Ranger Tell

Originally Posted by Raque
Any body who can give me a complete circuit and coil details specially the avramenko's fork circuit of the Ranger tell examiner for experiment purpose pls. My purpose is purely educational.

The full details can be found here ->
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Old 05-19-2006, 04:38 PM
hunterq3 hunterq3 is offline
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Default to Qiaozhi

to Qiaozhi :I think you are intersted in chinese culture ,I hope make friend with you .my email hunterq3@163.com vbmenu_register("postmenu_40705", true); thank you
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Old 06-29-2006, 06:01 PM
Seeker Seeker is offline
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Hi everybody,
I have GREAT FUN, when I read all about LRL. A certain clever man, lived 500 years ago said that "Where have measuring there is a sciense.The rest of it is a fraud".
Indeed ,when Volta made experiments with frog leg, this was a magic for another people,but Volta didn't sale frog legs , he made supposition about nature of this phenomenon.

LRL-makers speculate with people's naivety.This is like lottery: "You can win something in 80%" = "You can find something in 80%".So what you say in this case: "My car will carry me in 50% "? I say it is broken car.

I think it is science question "What have there?" is open and mast hard work to find answer, not to sale "frog legs".

Thank you for your attention.
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Old 07-21-2006, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered
If you are really looking for a long range detector then I have a chicken that can sense gold and silver at over 2 kilometres. After extensive conversations with a geneticist at university of Liverpool in England it seems that the chicken expresses a gene shared with dowsers. Now I’m not prepared to sell the actual chicken however the geneticist have assured me that there should be a least one chicken in each clutch that will share this gene. What I’m offering is each of these chicks for a bargain price of £10,000, yes I know there worth a lot more but I have so much gold and silver now that the money is unimportant to me, the £10,000 is just to ensure you can afford to give each one of my loved pets a good home. If you are not interested in a chick perhaps because of an allergy, then I can put you in touch with a good friend of mine Jack who has developed a new strain of bean that when grow in manure from my chickens will produce gold. As I have signed a non-disclosure agreement I am not at liberty to explain the process however in a similar manner that peas will fix nitrogen at its roots, this new strain of bean fixes gold near the top of the plant. The new stain of bean Phaseolus Mag icus will be offered at a reasonable £1000 per bean. Please note that you will not be allowed to sell any beans generated by the plant due to patient restrictions. If you are interested in getting in at the ground level of these products then drop me a mail at makmea@richman.org.
Geez...You guys are expensive,
Got a chicken, a box and some time, the school of Phalsicus Magicus, to cut it short read , black pullet, gold finding hen.
But weren`t your beans supposed to be planted in a skull?

Midday at blue apples
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Old 07-22-2006, 10:56 PM
ram ram is offline
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Angry test ur detectors

just bring all ur detectors to my country mindanao philippines particularly davao city and davao oriental. this site was known to be japanese stronghold during world war II. tunnels and burried metal objects including gold bullions were in this sites. last week we dug two old japanese bombs used in world war II at 23 ft. but since i never heard long range metal detectors,mineoro,magnetometers or other known deep seeking detectors were used in my area to detect deeply burried metal objects.example of deep seeking detector, w/c is used by the taiwanese rescue volunteers,us marines,university of the philippines (UP) who went in leyte tragedy the landslide in part of leyte were almost one barangay were burried including the whole elementay school buildings full with childrens and teacher inside all burried alive to mud for almost 30 meters (mud and rocks).all volunteers coming from other country including the us marines having sofisticated deep seeking detectors for metals and imaging device to detect the presence of objects and to locate the buildings burried and to detect if some human were alive inside the landslide area.but nothing detected..now,were are those deep seeking devices?
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Old 09-24-2006, 07:58 PM
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Hi, all!

I'm looking for a second hand Mineoro ionic long range metal detector.
If someone has one for sell,or if someone knows where I could find it, please send me a mail at
Thanks a lot!
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Old 09-24-2006, 11:09 PM
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Dell Winder's friend has a GDP 538 which he wishes to sell. Look for a thread in this forum. If you are not able to find it, get back to me and I'll provide you a link.
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Old 09-24-2006, 11:10 PM
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Old 09-26-2006, 10:51 PM
Chris2 Chris2 is offline
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Hi Qiaozhi,

check this PCB program out....I think this is what you are looking for....


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Old 10-24-2006, 08:38 AM
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Question HUH?????????????????

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Geez...You guys are expensive,
Got a chicken, a box and some time, the school of Phalsicus Magicus, to cut it short read , black pullet, gold finding hen.
But weren`t your beans supposed to be planted in a skull?

Midday at blue apples
Say what????????????????
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Old 10-24-2006, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Say what????????????????
The whole was a joke. Not to be taken seriously.
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Old 01-08-2007, 12:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
There is a clue here... I just can't put my finger on it...

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 01-08-2007, 01:02 AM
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Default Please explain


Can you please explain what an "ionic field" is?

I know perfectly well what an ion is and I know what an electric or magnetic field are, but I can not understand what you mean by an ionic field.

Is it:

A stream of ionized particles (gold in this case) as in a plasma stream?

The electric (electrostatic) field generated by an ion due to its charge imbalance?

Something else?

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

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Old 01-08-2007, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Rudy View Post

Can you please explain what an "ionic field" is?

I know perfectly well what an ion is and I know what an electric or magnetic field are, but I can not understand what you mean by an ionic field.

Is it:

A stream of ionized particles (gold in this case) as in a plasma stream?

The electric (electrostatic) field generated by an ion due to its charge imbalance?

Something else?

It's not a stream. The ionic fields spread everywhere.
All matter looses mass, thus atomic weight, thus atoms in form of ions.

From Mineoro's site:

Creation of Ionic fields

Generated by continuous high tension positive or negative by sharp point. Normally around 800 to 900 volts. Other tensions are feasible.
- Ionic field by chemical flow in galvanization processes.
- Other ionic fields generators for different purposes, so-called ionizators.


Unfortunately, your dual option question above lacks the depth to comprehend what else was discovered to substantiate and enhance your own descriptions infered.
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Old 01-08-2007, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
It's not a stream. The ionic fields spread everywhere.
All matter looses mass, thus atomic weight, thus atoms in form of ions.
Not true. I've actually gained mass since my marriage.

In a more serious vein, an ion is an atom that is not electrically neutral due to the loss/gain of one or more electrons, usually in their outermost shell.

If an atom ionizes by shedding an electron, it losses an infinitesimally small amount of mass, while if it ionizes by acquiring an excess electron, it gains an infinitesimally small amount of mass.

The loss or gain of those electrons is temporary. The ion will not stay in this energetic state and soon picks up free electrons, or sheds the excess ones, to achieve a lower energy state. This produces radiation (Fraunhoffer radiation) usually in the visible spectrum. In any case, the change in atomic weight is negligible, as is the mass of an electron compared to the atom's nucleus.

From Mineoro's site:

Creation of Ionic fields

Generated by continuous high tension positive or negative by sharp point. Normally around 800 to 900 volts. Other tensions are feasible.
- Ionic field by chemical flow in galvanization processes.
- Other ionic fields generators for different purposes, so-called ionizators.


Unfortunately, your dual option question above lacks the depth to comprehend what else was discovered to substantiate and enhance your own descriptions infered.

I asked the manner in which you were using the term ionic field and you give me a bunch of disconnected factoids from the Mineoro web site. Which none of them has anything to do with detecting gold.

Generated by continuous high tension positive or negative by sharp point. Normally around 800 to 900 volts. Other tensions are feasible.
I can see a hand held box creating this ionizing radiation, but how would buried gold accomplish the same?

- Ionic field by chemical flow in galvanization processes.
Gold is a noble metal. It doesn't take part in a galvanic process, unlike other more active metals like zinc.

- Other ionic fields generators for different purposes, so-called ionizators None of which would be found alongside buried gold.

I asked you for a simple explanation of this gold ionic field that is being detected and you throw mumbo jumbo back at me. Sorry Hung, but it doesn't wash.

HH Rudy,
MXT, HeadHunter Wader

Do or do not. There is no try.
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