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Old 02-12-2014, 12:04 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Also, what are 'magnetic charges' you refer above?
You tell me:

Originally Posted by hung View Post
No. I only said that Maxwell's equations, unmodified, do not support isolated magnetic charges.
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Old 02-12-2014, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Carl-NC View Post
You tell me:
My pleasure.
I stated that maxwell's equations do not conceive in magnetism an analogous element of a positive or negative charge in electricity. But in quantum mechanics, Dirac mathematically demonstrated the existence of the 'fundamental magnetic particle', or magnetic monopole. This was recently proved by the creation of a synthetic magnetic monopole in the lab.

Now, the 'magnetic charges' you refer is much different. You mention 'make believe' magnetic charges and 'make believe' math. Are you trying to say that mathematically you can disprove Dirac?
I would love to see your equations, Dr. carlie.

Also you did not answer my first question as well.

'When a magnetic field can be generated in a different way other than a simple electron flow?

Would you?
Don't dodge. Just answer please.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
My pleasure.
I stated that maxwell's equations do not conceive in magnetism an analogous element of a positive or negative charge in electricity. But in quantum mechanics, Dirac mathematically demonstrated the existence of the 'fundamental magnetic particle', or magnetic monopole. This was recently proved by the creation of a synthetic magnetic monopole in the lab.

Now, the 'magnetic charges' you refer is much different. You mention 'make believe' magnetic charges and 'make believe' math. Are you trying to say that mathematically you can disprove Dirac?
I would love to see your equations, Dr. carlie.

Also you did not answer my first question as well.

'When a magnetic field can be generated in a different way other than a simple electron flow?

Would you?
Don't dodge. Just answer please.

Carl not have Answer dear


Basics of Measuring Bio-Electricity

Bioelectric signals are provoked by electrically active tissue like the heart, the muscles or the brain. This active tissue can cause some concentration differences in the extra-cellular fluid that includes ions like Na+, K+, and Cl-. That is the reason that one can measure signals like ECG, EEG or EMG from outside the body on the surface of the skin, by means of electrodes. The electrode builds an interface between the extra-cellular fluid and the metal of the wire. The electrode is a sensor consisting of a metal and often a salt-bridge, which converts the local differences of the concentration of charged ions into an electrical signal. The bioelectric signal measured from the surface of the skin is mostly in the range of 0-2000 µV (2 mV).

Of course there are more electrical phenomena inside the body or on the electrode. Two are very important, the DC offset of the electrode and the 50 or 60 Hz mains potential or mains interference. In addition, any measurement will show noise, produced by the body, the electrode impedance or the amplifier itself.

The potential differences that we can measure between two points on the body, can give very important information regarding the electrical activity that takes place inside the body. At the same time these measurements, especially of very small potential differences, can pose rather big challenges as well.

The electrodes can be a source of distortion. The body itself of course is a very big source of noise and finally the cables between the electrode and the measurement system can introduce a lot of artifacts and noise. The measurement configuration has to deal with all these signals and noise in such a way that the bio-electrical signals, measured on the surface of the skin, are reflected in the output signal as optimally and cleanly as possible.

At the same time all the noise signals, distortions and artifacts must be optimally suppressed and if possible, should not be measured at all. Of course some mains interference and amplifier noise will always be present in the measurement; it is hardly possible to perform a measurement without mains interference.

When an optimal amplifier system is used however, the mains interference will be common mode for all the inputs and the common mode rejection will remove all the mains interference from the measured signal.
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Old 02-12-2014, 09:28 AM
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Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.

Now what?
Will the naive 'skepthics' still keep insisting these people come from Disney channel or will they become brave enough to recruit a few more neurons and tell me what they really think magnetism is?
Copy and paste from wikipeadia, not an alternative.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.
This is the same guy that Randi debunked using talcum powder.

Time to give up Hung. This has nothing to do with any problems involving Maxwell's equations, or hypothetical [naturally occurring] magnetic monopoles. It's not even Hung science. This is simply a case of sticky skin.

Even though Dirac monopoles have very recently been created in a Bose-Einstein concentrate (which is an extremely cold atomic gas tens of billionths of a degree warmer than absolute zero) it takes a fantastic leap of imagination to conclude that so-called "magnetic people" are somehow covered in naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles. Or perhaps their skin is leaking Bose-Einstein concentrate at room temperature? Now that would be an amazing discovery.

You can read about the synthetic monopole discovery here ->
This is real science by the way.

Observation of Dirac Monopoles in a Synthetic Magnetic Field, M. W. Ray, E. Ruokokoski, S. Kandel, M. Möttönen, and D. S. Hall, Nature, 2014:

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-01-physici...years.html#jCp
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Old 02-12-2014, 11:24 AM
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ozzy, you really must think that you are discussing with retarded people.
Talcum powder eh?
You must be refering to a video in which this chinese guy sticks a heavy mirror in his chest and then grandpa randi comes in and pours talcum powder over him. Then the guy apparently cannot stick an iron anymore.

If you really knew what magnetism is, you would not be here completely mistaken in your conclusions about what grandpa randi did in that video.
Miroslaw Magola has several videos over the internet pouring almost a full bottle of talcum powder over the object before demonstrating that this does not affect the magnetic 'pull' at all.
So, is this why grandpa randi is scared to death to meet Miroslaw anytime because he knows it will take a lot more than talcum powder to prevent Miroslaw from make him look a clown?
Now think ozzy... It would really help if you knew just a bit what magnetism is and not necessarily what it does.
But with a couple of neurons you get to the answer...

Why talcum powder seems to affect the chinese guy and does not affect Miroslaw at all?

Suggestion: See the question I asked your boss carlie above and still he has not answered? Begin by answering it. Heck it's a simple question, why you people keep avoiding answering questions?
If you are unable to answer it, just say so. But it will be harder for me to discuss this subject if you are not aware of the basics.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
ozzy, you really must think that you are discussing with retarded people.
Do you really want me to answer that?

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Talcum powder eh?
You must be refering to a video in which this chinese guy sticks a heavy mirror in his chest and then grandpa randi comes in and pours talcum powder over him. Then the guy apparently cannot stick an iron anymore.

If you really knew what magnetism is, you would not be here completely mistaken in your conclusions about what grandpa randi did in that video.
No, I'm not mistaken. It's obvious that talcum powder mixes with the Bose-Einstein concentrate and cause the naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles to fall off.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
Miroslaw Magola has several videos over the internet pouring almost a full bottle of talcum powder over the object before demonstrating that this does not affect the magnetic 'pull' at all.
As Dave has told you several times now ... watch those videos and you'll see how it's done. Randi is less scared of Miroslav than you are of shaving off your eyebrows.

Originally Posted by hung View Post
But it will be harder for me to discuss this subject if you are not aware of the basics.
Personally, I'm not the slightest bit interested in the basics of Hung science.
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Old 02-12-2014, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Well, the kids ain't 'fatty', they got no bellies and daddy has eyebrows.
Are you telling the glass ashtray is magnetic too ?
That would not surprise me too much from someone that believes jewels en paper money can be detected kilometers away
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Old 02-12-2014, 01:46 PM
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I see.
You really don't have the slightest idea on how to answer the question I asked do you?
Maybe carlie either.
However you are daring enough to keep talking BS about magnetism, dowsing, etc. and also calling examples such as Miroslaw a scam.
Very well.
You seem not interested in learning as you clearly demonstrate. So maybe learning the hard way?
See, I had an idea.
Your real name is George Overtone, right? You live in the UK.
George, I have a proposal for you. Maybe this will be the chance of your life to prove you are right and also earn some money.

Miroslaw is currently in Germany. Not too far from where you live. Actually pretty close.
I have his number.
I will call him and talk about you. I will ask him if he would accept a challenge.
If you can prove he is a scam, you will have accomplished something that your master grandpa randi never could. You will be famous, ozzy. Add to this the considerable amount of money you will win. Big prize.

However, if Miroslaw proves you wrong, and demonstrates his ability is genuine, not only you will have to pay him the prize money but also you will agree to post in this forum a disclaimer or retraction in which you will apologize to him and admit you were wrong.

If he agrees, I will forward you his contact and you both can work a contract.
Of course it will never be 1 million dollars as grandpa randi the true scammer never had the intention to pay this amount simply because he never had it.
But for a fair value considering the time involved and expenses, I would suggest a minimum of say 50K euros. Of course this is just my idea. You are free to discuss the value with him.

So George, how's that for a chance to make you famous, earn some nice money or learn the hard way that you are wrong?

I'll be back by late night and will check your answer.
Will you accept or will you chicken out?
See ya George.
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Old 02-12-2014, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

However, if Miroslaw proves you wrong, and demonstrates his ability is genuine,
If? How you land on "if" now? You don't believe in Miroslav anymore?
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 02-12-2014, 04:31 PM
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Why would I waste my time trying to prove something wrong that is so obviously a complete fake? If you make extraordinary claims, then you must provide extraordinary evidence. It's not up to the skeptics to prove it wrong, although Randi has already done this ... and still you refuse to believe the results! Instead, you make up some fantastic hypothesis that Miroslaw is somehow covered in hypothetical [naturally-occurring] monopoles. I am already quite satisfied that this is nothing more than an illusion.

Simply do a Dave has told you, and watch the videos more closely. Miroslaw actually shows you how it's done. There's no psychic powers and no monopoles involved. Which part of "it's a trick" do you not understand?

Obviously I am dealing with a retarded person.
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Old 02-12-2014, 05:28 PM
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Default Definition os Magnetism

- An invisible force, that, (because it is invisible), puzzles and mystically attracts simple minds...

...And scammers too: (because it is invisible), it is easy for them to sell the miraculous effects of this "magical" force to gullible people in desperate need of something more fantastic than everyday´s physics
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Old 02-12-2014, 05:41 PM
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Hung - may I also remind you that this subject is completely off-topic, as it has absolutely nothing to do with so-called LRLs. In fact, I'm half inclined to delete the whole lot of this nonsense.

I've noticed that you often start posting this sort of gibberish when the discussions start to become more technical in nature. It's as if you're frightened the skeptics may learn some valuable secrets, and you have to start a nonsense subject as a form of misdirection.

Perhaps I should call Miroslaw myself and talk about you (if I could be bothered ... which I'm not) and arrange for you to take him to CERN, where you could dust him with talcum powder. Thereby allowing the magnetic monopoles to become detached and subsequently collected by the MoEDAL experiment. Then you might [in your dreams] win you and Miroslaw a Nobel prize.

I can hardy believe I'm wasting my valuable time on this crap.
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Old 02-12-2014, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Why would I waste my time trying to prove something wrong that is so obviously a complete fake?
Why? Because you chickened out. That's why. I can imagine the scene in your pants when you were put against the wall.
Where are all your skeptic beliefs and guts now?
It it's fake, prove it. Ha, you already 'chicken out' when Miroslaw has not even said he will accept it yet.
You're positive that it's a scam, but not interested in putting 50 grand in your pockets?

Ozzy, you are one more of those poor devil skeptics that hover around forums 'spitting' all kinds of BS pretending to be scientific. But when confronted with the chance to prove your point, you run.
Please, do me a favor. Never, never again even try to get involved in scientific discussions here, because you never were and won't ever be up to the task. And worse, you run because you cannot stand the heat of truth, a real threat to your 'pose'.

See folks? Now you know how much this guy's claims against LRLs are worth.
Enough of you, ozzy.

What about you Carl? Interested, or will you also chicken out posting an excuse not to?
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi View Post
Hung - may I also remind you that this subject is completely off-topic, as it has absolutely nothing to do with so-called LRLs.
Completely on topic and related to LRLs, specially swivel types. Problem is that skeptics could not answer any of the questions proposed before the link could be made.
You are inclined to delete it as an excuse because it makes you look real bad.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 06:34 PM
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Old 02-12-2014, 06:58 PM
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"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-12-2014, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Completely on topic and related to LRLs, specially swivel types. Problem is that skeptics could not answer any of the questions proposed before the link could be made.
You are inclined to delete it as an excuse because it makes you look real bad.
If this "discussion" is related to swivel types, then it's in the wrong section. This section is for All Electronic LRLs.
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Old 02-12-2014, 09:05 PM
pablo72 pablo72 is offline
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Why? Because you chickened out. That's why. I can imagine the scene in your pants when you were put against the wall.
Where are all your skeptic beliefs and guts now?
It it's fake, prove it. Ha, you already 'chicken out' when Miroslaw has not even said he will accept it yet.
You're positive that it's a scam, but not interested in putting 50 grand in your pockets?

Ozzy, you are one more of those poor devil skeptics that hover around forums 'spitting' all kinds of BS pretending to be scientific. But when confronted with the chance to prove your point, you run.
Please, do me a favor. Never, never again even try to get involved in scientific discussions here, because you never were and won't ever be up to the task. And worse, you run because you cannot stand the heat of truth, a real threat to your 'pose'.

See folks? Now you know how much this guy's claims against LRLs are worth.
Enough of you, ozzy.

What about you Carl? Interested, or will you also chicken out posting an excuse not to?
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
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Old 02-12-2014, 11:21 PM
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Read it and weep.
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Old 02-12-2014, 11:25 PM
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But he is not talking about magnetism ! He is talking about sticky skin...

Originally Posted by pablo72 View Post
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
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Old 02-13-2014, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by pablo72 View Post

My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
It is easy to prove that this "magnetic body" is pure trick.

My body is not magnetic at all, but I can easily repeat Miroslav palm elevating kitchenware trick.

Trick is in slightly wet palm and creating vacuum stick on kitchenware surface.

Look at this video and please consider that I am not highly trained profi as Miroslav is. But trick works for me too.


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Old 02-13-2014, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by pablo72 View Post
Mr. hung, they afraid of Miroslav. They not know this power.
My opinion is you gave lesson. It is: 'not say it's trick if can not prove it's trick'.
I know one person that has magnetism in the hands and cure other persons. He cured me.
Please continue talk about magnetism.
Pablo, I consider today, one of the most important dates in this forum. You and some members who emailed me finally witnessed how the 'administrator-skeptic' of this forum was entirely debunked and his true nature miserably exposed. Everybody finally saw for themselves how he behaves when called to stand by his principles and beliefs. In this case, he ran in terror from my proposal of a challenge against Miroslaw. Fact is, he is history. His credibility even among his peers is now bellow ground. Actually I have never had much doubt that skeptics in reality are only psychologically disturbed people. Just take a look at their master grandpa randi and at what misery he is now.

But ozzy is not the only one acting like that. As I said above, skeptics in this forum are like a herd. When one 'dolly' runs to a side, the rest follows. They are the same. You saw that the challenge was open to any of them and you know the results. Their big mouthes are huge. They speak out the BS they want. But when confronted... well, you saw it. It's another story.
So, again, this was a very fortunate day for the honest who stands by what he preaches. The day that all of you people saw for yourselves, the true nature of 'big mouth' skeptics.
I am considering telling this case over TNET, where a much broader audience watches, so they also get to know about it.

Finally, don't worry, I believe there are decent people here who knows science and that will sustain a nice discussion about this subject. Maybe I will repost that question, set skeptics on ignore and move on.

"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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Old 02-13-2014, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post

In this case, he ran in terror from my proposal of a challenge against Miroslaw. Fact is, he is history. His credibility even among his peers is now bellow ground.
I can agree, Miroslav is only scam history, cause he is pure dope.

Look at my previous post and video why.
Global capital is ruining your life?
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Old 02-13-2014, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by hung View Post
Finally, don't worry, I believe there are decent people here who knows science and that will sustain a nice discussion about this subject. Maybe I will repost that question, set skeptics on ignore and move on.
Yes, please move on.

Your miserable attempts at "debunking the skeptics" with some ludicrous psuedoscience has completely failed as usual. Do you not realise how many people are laughing at your hypothesis that Miroslaw is using naturally-occurring magnetic monopoles to attract a whole host of [flat] objects to his body, including several objects that are not made of metal?

Here [again] is how it really works:
You obviously missed this post last time.

WM6 made a good attempt at duplicating Miroslaw, but he clearly lacks a sufficient amount of the oily/waxy stuff called sebum:

Anyway, it's time for everyone to move on and leave this nonsense behind, and for Hung to crawl back into his bunker to lick his wounds.
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