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Well, well, it seems we have a new physicist (enjoykin) with the observation that real LRLs, scalar physics, and dowsing all have the same roots. Bravo!
![]() I so enjoy seeing those who pop out of the old limited physics into a broader understanding of how the universe really functions. Hey Enjoykin - kudos on bringing up the bit on Light therapy. ![]() What dowsing really is - a way for a person at a certain level of sensitivity to tune into the subtle energies. The same energies that flow in and from the heart of matter are all related to the subtle energies that are at the core of dowsing, advanced mineral detection, psi phenomena, dissolving and creation of matter from pure energy, etc. At present, our physics is in its infancy in understanding the aetheric world but moving in that direction. This is the new frontier where science is moving into, albeit reluctantly Onward and Upward, Goldfinder |
Dear goldfinder - thank you
![]() In fact Scalar Physics had been well known to Nikolai Tesla and his generation physicists - more than 100 years ago. Recently in Russia academcian Gennadiy Vasilevich Nikolaev (1935-2008 ) have brought us remarkable mathematical theory with extraordinary experiments about Scalar Waves and Tesla Physics. He was not only theoretic but practical physicist. About complex configuration of Scalar H* = - div A and Vector magnetic field H = rot A, I was answered in topic "Partnered Output Coils", at forum overunity.com. There are many important links to books and other informations about Second Scalar Magnetic Field (officially FORBIDDEN for public by main stream science and bankers secret world governement ). Of course they make all kind of experiments in secret labs using @secret@ knowledge - for example - experiments on human beings with PSY weapons , direct energy weapons, genetic weapons etc. Those @secret@ weapons have basic principles in Scalar Physics and second magnetic field. Overunity generator from 1950 based on Scalar Physics. http://overunity.com/14755/hogan-and...-generator/15/ Backing configuration as a source of second magnetic field. http://www.overunity.com/15395/partn...021/#msg447021 Gennadiy Vasilevich Nikolaev - Siberian Colia Scalar Configuration: http://www.overunity.com/15083/the-n...465/#msg424465 Also search for "Brovin Katcher" by Russian electronic engineer Vladimir I.Brovin. Katcher is a small Scalar Tesla transformer on semiconductors. http://realstrannik.ru/forum/27-tesl...r-brovina.html Key words: HV Unipolar impulses, aperiodic transmission, longitudinal waves, work of american physicist Eric Dollard, work of German physicist Dr. Konstantin Meyl , Villingen Germany, work of VTA inventor Floyd Sparky Sweet at Chris Sykes Australian forum -> http://www.hyiq.org, etc. etc. Best regards Enjoykin |
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