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I am very interested about reliability of so many articles, claim, theories, videos etc...etc.. on magnetic motor subject.
Most famous certainly is Perendev magnetic motor. Is it fake? Fraud? Or real thing? Internet public seems to be splitted on this; some people claims it is real thing and some claims it is fraud and charlatanism. So..? To get free energy from magnet looks very alluring to me. I had simillar ideas in the past. So ...was a kind disapointed when saw recently someone did that already.. ![]() I still beleive that it is possible to arrange strong magnets in manner to make wheel turning constantly,using power from those magnets. Neodymium magnet seems the right thing. Very strong and lose power bairly 1% at 100 years !!! Please look on internet all available and come here to debate.
http://www.infowars.com |
Perendev magnetic motor. What to say? It is working on video... I saw this video 50 times so far....
http://www.infowars.com |
This i like most. Why? Simply it is cheap to make it and do experiments. Before moving to something more expensive, this would be first step. I have problems to get neodymium magnets. Especially rollers like on this video. Searching through my scrap piles i founded excellent neodymium magnets in old, broken hard disks. Every hard disk do have 1 or 2 magnets inside. Those are glued hardly on heads anchor arms, covering both sides of coil. Problem is those are awkward shapes. Hard to adapt to what we need at magnetic motor. Sheeesh! And firstly i was delited discovering those!
http://www.infowars.com |
I was searching for Mike Brady's "Permanent Magnet Machine" patent.
First place to look for was http://patft.uspto.gov/ But... couldn't find it!? Must be patented somewhere else. Using advanced search options there, i founded something else, closely tied to this subject. Wow! Just look at the list, so many people were involved in this! So my idea actually is not new and original.... ![]() Look at the list at this link: http://patft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO %2Fsearch-adv.htm&r=0&p=1&f=S&l=50&d=PTXT&S1=((permanent+AND +magnet)+AND+machine).TI.&Page=Prev&OS=ttl/(permanent+and+magnet+and+machine)&RS=TTL/((permanent+AND+magnet)+AND+machine) To see original patents, first click on desired patent, than when it opens look up on options and click on "Images". But you must have Alternatiff plugin installed to see scans. Easy...you have link to Alternatiff installation...or use Google and find it on net. Enjoy!
http://www.infowars.com |
Actually i do have Mike Brady's "Permanent Magnet Machine" patent document in my pc. But it is integral part of one huge .pdf document. Can't fit here. Also that .pdf document is somehow locked from changing and of course from copy&paste. So i can not present it here...
http://www.infowars.com |
Oh...good old SnagIt solved the problem!
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http://www.infowars.com |
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