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Old 01-11-2014, 06:57 AM
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Exclamation The Worldbank Owns The Only Real Working LRL Since 2004....

The technology was developed by romanian (eastern-europe) military and improved
by a swiss tycoon. The original version was used to find uranium but the modified
even can find oil and diamonds, this was tested. From 100 meter the distance was
extended to over 1000 meters. The device is just 30x15x15cm small and uses a
laser to point at the exact destination. It penetrates through anything but lead, even
through steel. The device was used to find the nazi-gold in Germany and at other
locations. Because the swiss building-creation chief was close to bankruptcy,
he sold this invention to the worldbank, so it can go on to dominate the whole
economy instead of leting little countries find their treasures with this device.

This sounds like a bad joke, doesn't it?!

Absolutly, if it wasn't written by one of the most honoured treasure-hunters of Germany,
who even condems indirectly all those other miracle-LRL dowsing crap and wannabe

I replied , "that almost all detectors. " "Already ," replied the Bernese , "but our device can do much more , and there is not a metal detector. Can I visit times " Intrigued , I replied : " Sure , any time . " "Well, I 'll call you before I come . Servus . "
I heard nothing more from him and thought no more after a few days also to the call because it was so run , as so many talks before, and the " Sensations devices" to date , most of the anschleppten herein, had proved all as scrap Then came the day that changed my life it was mid-March 2004 - . . . . - I he inner me still , as if it were yesterday At 16:30 clock , the phone rang " you he -mind still called me , I did last year , it is about a new device. I am in Munich and would you like to visit. " "No problem - you only come over," I invited him .
Thirty minutes later he was sitting across from me in my library . Correct : They sat opposite me, for he had brought with him two companions , one of whom (about 22-24 years old ) was the developer of the device and not a word of German language , while the other acted as interpreter and all in an Eastern European language translated . "Well, what have you got for a magic device? " , I turned to Berner, who was about forty years old, of stocky build. ( At this point I had no idea how right I was using the term " magic machine " . )
"Before you get to see the device, sign this ," and he pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket, " confidentiality agreement . " Such spinner I had often had to visit , so I thought nothing of it and undersigned the paper.
Now he described to me the benefits of the new development (which was actually no , because the boy - te purely coincidental further developed an existing military locator ) . With this device - so Berner - it is possible to locate precisely up to a distance of 100 me-tres gold and silver. Immediately I noticed the spinner back on the precious metals allegedly wanted aufspü acids with electronic dowsing rods at great distances .
The top prices of such miracle devices that are also available in Germany , located at 8000 € ! Unfortunately they do not work .
When I Bernese argued against it, he waved his hand . " In our work, we will demonstrate them . " Well I could not wait to see the miracle thing in action. " Let us go on our test environment, where everything is present, to show off the device. " , I suggested before .
This is just a short part of the whole story (by google translation) in this book.

The test at the testfield was successful, he writes further, and later he got calls by the lawyer of this guy that he shall never ever try to contact the owner of this LRL again.

The final note of the author was:
He wrote about that story only because he would be interested in feedback of other treasurehunters and if they could imagine how this thing may could have worked.

Well, despite the fact that the author would ruin his high reputation with such "fantasy-stories", if it should be one, his only intention may have been to get info about "real working LRL systems" by making others "hungry" with such stories.

The trick would be the same as also unserious LRL types are using:
Telling mouth-watering stories how fantastic their devices work just to get alot of money for "not testable" stuff. But the difference in this case here we have is:
it was tested directly by this famous treasure-hunter and the tests on his 200 x 200 m test areal where positive, he could even find stuff by himself easily.

I know, this forum has many "bad" users who are completly unable since many years to come to any clear results and even play around with "fake-LRLs", but because it is the only at least somehow technically orientated (and solutions searching) forum about such stuff, so I will not hide this info from the audience here.

My personal conclusion:
It is a highly fascinating story and the whole other treasure-hunting-information from that
author is absolutly proven REAL and spoken with dozens of years of treasure-hunting experience, but it simply unbelievable!

Assuming the romanian government gave scientists the task to invent a device which
is capable to find uranium. If so it would must be like a directional X-ray meter.
This matches with the info inside that story, that it doesn't work through lead.

So, you clever heads and experts here, what is your solution?
Could it be possible that gold and silver radiates x-rays (other waves wouldn't go
through solid soil or ground the straight way) a a special amount or frequency so that some kind
of modified extremly directional x-ray-meter could do the job?
Forget about ions, this stuff can not penetrate through the soil, this is a myth,
created by Mineoro.

And forget about those new and real working laser-material-analyzers
- the probe has to be close nearby - 10cm (4inch) infront of the laser-ray.
You can see one of those devices if you watch the doku series "Silver Rush" (2013).

btw. I would have the option to meet with the author of this book personally,
so I could ask him about this unbelievable story directly.
And I could help him to find the solution, if he wrote really the truth.

I doubt this "technology" really is that secret as he described it, if it really exists.
If its based somehow on x-rays it would be simple to proof if gold or silver etc.
radiates a special sort of amount or frequency.

And it must be passive, because it makes no sense to radiate x-ray beams
to find uranium.

Finally, I say it again:
If this story would have been written by some dreamer, I would laugh about it,
but it was written by one of the absolute and very high reputated treasure-hunter
specialists of whole Middle-Europe!

I have to contact other experts and insiders about this story to hear what they'll say
about it...

Either it is just another crazy fantasy-story or it could be the key to finally real working LRLs, but after so many tracks leading just to nothing I'm extremly sceptical about it.

The only hope I have is that this treasure-hunting-profi really wrote the truth,
otherwise nobody would take him for serious any longer anyway....

He "must" have written the truth, otherwise it would have caused serious and very bad consequences to him....
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Old 01-11-2014, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
With this device - so Berner - it is possible to locate precisely up to a distance of 100 me-tres gold and silver. Immediately I noticed the spinner back on the precious metals allegedly wanted aufspü acids with electronic dowsing rods at great distances .
This may be a Google translation problem, but it sounds like the device is some sort of "electronically enhanced" dowsing rod. In which case, you may as well forget about it.

Originally Posted by Funfinder View Post
" Let us go on our test environment, where everything is present, to show off the device. "
Notice how he suggests going to their test environment, where (of course) the presence of all targets is already known. This is a prerequisite for all "successful" dowsing tests.
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Old 01-11-2014, 07:58 PM
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thanks for your interest Qiaozhi, you got pm.

> This may be a Google translation problem, but it sounds like the device is some sort of "electronically enhanced" dowsing rod. In which case, you may as well forget about it.

Yes, he writes by himself that the describtion of Mr. "Berner" (name changed by the author) reminds him on all those miracle-LRLs which he also condemns (inkl. eastern-german OKM stuff for 6000 Euro and more...) - so he demanded a real test on his own testing-area - which was absolutly convincing (if he didn't fall for some really astonishing bagsplayer-tricks).

It could be that the guy with this "modified uranium-detector" was very clever and just had the interest to get some "top secret" treasure hunting locations.
But even if so - without a real working detector he would've found the same less or nothing like the treasure-seekers who have been already there before him.

> Notice how he suggests going to their test environment, where (of course) the presence of all targets is already known. This is a prerequisite for all "successful" dowsing tests.

This is the point - perhaps he showed the locations unconciously somehow to the other person, by looking into a certain direction etc.

The test has consisted of 2 parts:
1. the person with the special-detector had to locate some of the hidden stuff by its own without help, this was successful.

2. that person did hide some gold coins very close or lightly under the grass-surface while the author couldn't see where and afterwards he could successfully detect those new hidden coins from a larger distance.

The rest of the whole book is written absolutly professionally and covers a huge treasure-hunting life-experience, thats why it's so strange. And if you'll read about the further improvements of this device the 100m are just a short distance...

Metal may absorb and re-radiate x-rays but rocks and even usual soil also can became radiated, especially since Chernobyl, so I doubt the contrast will be high enough.
The amount of radiation for shure will not work, it must be something special or nothing real working at all, besides tricky illusions or bagsplayer-tricks.

X-Rays use a frequency between 300.000.000 GHz (300 PHz) and GHz (30 EHz) = between 10^−8 m (10 Nanometer) and 10^−12 m (1 Pikometer)
and I doubt the device can measure the exact frequency of certain kinds of metal if those radiate at certain frequencies at all.
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Old 01-11-2014, 09:26 PM
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Exclamation Characteristic X-Rays !

X-rays seems to be indeed able to detect of what certain material something consists - but I doubt such device can work at higher distances:


Darüber hinaus kann mit Röntgenstrahlung auch die Elementzusammensetzung eines Stoffes bestimmt werden. In einer Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde (beziehungsweise äquivalent im Elektronenmikroskop) wird die zu analysierende Substanz mit Elektronen bestrahlt, worauf die Atome ionisiert werden und charakteristische Röntgenstrahlung abgeben. Statt mit Elektronen kann auch mit Röntgenstrahlen bestrahlt werden. Dann spricht man von der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA).
In addition, it can be determined with X-ray radiation, the elemental composition of a material. In an electron micro-probe (or equivalent in an electron microscope), the substance to be analyzed is irradiated with electrons, and then the atoms are ionized and emit characteristic x-rays. Instead of electrons also x-rays can be used for irradiation. This is known as the X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF).

Characteristic x-rays. So they really exists! It could be the key.

But what and why characteristic?

And after ionizing the metal atoms the characteristic x-rays radiates through thick soil?

How much echo-radiation and what sensitive equipment is needed?

Those romanian engineers may have invented a detector which reacts on the characteristic x-rays of uranium.
Afterwards this meter was made more and more sensitive and the detection ability for characteristics of other materials was added.
And because of the natural radiation in this world (gamma-waves) even non-self-radiating metals like gold emits the special x-ray characteristics.
Those x-rays are radiating into all directions, of course also through soil and rock, so a very sensitive directional-detector can receive them.

Have I told already too much?

However, such extremly sensitive detectors wouldn't be easy to built.
For the usual analysis-method the material perhaps is just a few cm or inches away from the detector, not 100 meters and below rock and soil.
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Old 01-12-2014, 03:12 AM
goldfinder goldfinder is offline
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Default Another version of story

The way I heard the story it was the Germans during WWII that invented the device. They did not use X-rays. They used scalar waves. See my Scalar theory stuff on the other thread and you can piece it together.
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Old 01-13-2014, 03:17 AM
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Perhaps I should re-interest myself in scalar-waves as it was as a teenager when I readed John Davidson, Charles Berlitz, Isaak Asimov, the Fiebag bros., v. Buttlar, Mecklenburg etc. together with books about pyramid energy, levitation, esoteric, mystical things, aura-fotography, miracles, spook-houses and ghosts, time-travel, occultism, scientific psi, all kind of interesting phenomenons and much more such "astonishing stories" but nothing was really usable stuff or useful to earn money as long as you don't wanna become one of those psychics, mediums or other spiritual super-enlighteners.

Either persons provide clear workable manuals and describtions if it comes to technical stuff or they should stop wasting the time of persons who seek the real working truth with their fantastic pseudo-reality discoveries. If they have an addiction to write, they better invent some exciting novels like Browne or Stephen King.

Scalar waves - great - please show me some already worldwide used devices which work with them.

However this world for shure consists still of stuff we can't see or understand. We still can't make pictures of atoms and this whole wave-particle relation crys for real certainty.
Those are talking about fields, 4th dimensions and space-bending - nothing real acceptable.
Show me the ropes that binds earth and sun together by gravity force, show me the grid of space when its in normal and in bended state. Show me how atoms look like if those have absolute zero degrees and how they act then. Show me the magnetical energy lines or is this just another potential that has bended space so iron and magnet wanna move together? Einstein was unable to provide a whole unified field theorie which can explain everything. He even couldn't see that speed of light still is bound to weight, because the electron-photon-wave energy consists not of just pure "vibration" or wave-vectors.

And why the universe expands if it should collapse, seen from the consumed energy?
If somebody eats an apple it gets smaller and not bigger!
I guess it's the temperature, hot air also has a larger volume. Temperature expands space and atoms.

Many of those scientists or philosophers tell nice and great and not clear understandable stories just for making themselves important. The useful- and life-improvement-factor is almost zero, they should became entertainers with a lateshow and talk about all this "extremly impo(r)tant" celebrity crap, would be better than confusing the real scientific, logical, effective and proven working persons!

Back to the the x-ray device and x-rays are really existing:

I'm pretty shure that it's possible to create some "low-level consumer style x-ray-characteristics-meter". If you know the needed main parts this can be done with many usual very complex and expensive devices. But just real low level!

I know that sensitive usual x-ray meters even can hear and output one single electron if it hits the x-ray-antenna-tube. But this would be needed to hear the characteristic x-rays of metal objects far away anyway.

Cause even if the material radiates extremly heavy, this radiation goes into all directions and it can take alot time to catch some x-rays with a tube that has just 5cm or 2'' diameter from 30 meter distance. It's possible to calculate the surface-area of a ball which has a radius of 30m and if you devide this with the opening area of the x-ray tube it may be just 1/100.000.000 - so its an extremly low chance to catch those "signatured" (or characteristical) x-rays if the find is far away.

Of course pure gold has a very high atomic-weight which means that it would radiate stronger.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Perhaps this is the whole trick:

Move your highly directional sensitive x-ray meter around and stop from where the most radiation comes!
This meter then only sees how "thick" is the materie near the surface or down to some meters below - because:

!the more atomic weight (heavier) the more at one single point concetrated the radiation! - especially pure GOLD, one of the heaviest substances ever!!!

single point cenctrated radiation aka HOTSPOT !

And just imagine a real treasure of some kilograms of gold - it creates for shure a HUGE amount of concentrated radiation!

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

We just shouln't confuse strenght of radiation with x-ray characteristics.
btw. could it be that those "ion-tubes" inside of some Mineoros are already listening into direction x-ray? Ahhh, I doubt it,
this is some "mix all kind of EM-fields" up and together and then try to find some (mainly magnetical) anomaly stuff.

Anyway, first we have to know exactly what this means: "x-ray characteristics" !!
I have no idea, are the rays pulsed or at special frequency or what exactly?

Next of course at very low detection distance must be started trying to get more an more "long range". Even if it works just for short range the "characteristic-thing" could be a new step into absolutly clear metal-type-recogniton. This would be the first time to have a metal detector which can be adjusted to gold only and really discriminates anything else.

btw lasers (as long as those are no x-ray lasers!) will not work because they can't penetrate the ground. Even microwave lasers would only work under water if the water is very clear.

The way to achieve real results is pretty simple:
Geting in contact with companies which sell such x-ray probe devices.
They wanna earn money and good profite and if they see a chance modifying their stuff so it works for gold-detection they will do it, they wanna get a large piece of the gold-detection cake.

I doubt such stuff is creatable by DIY or homebrew equipment, it could be same complex or expensive and costs high expediture like building a CRT-TV on your own.
The real professional products are for shure not that easy for selfbuilding and professional produced devices may cost between 10.000 and 100.000 bucks.

But I also doubt that there will be enough "catchable" X-rays after some meters!
At least if you wanna use a small device and not one with a huge and heavy tube.

How much bequerels are needed to catch 10 x-ray pulses within 1 minute if the radiating object is just 10meters away? For shure alot!

The device and the characteristics of the x-rays can be good as hell but its useless if they just shoot into other directions and not from 30m directly into your detector-tube! And the tube will not call: "Come to daddy" and the x-rays just follow!

Conclusion: It's highly unprobable that such a device will work at all.

It only works on a receiver-transmitter basis over larger distance.
The buried gold 100m away is not a bird or animal with a little sender on his neck which can be found with a directional antenna. The energy of metal objects which get irradiated by natural gamma rays etc. is extremly low, perhaps some 0,000000001 micro watts.

So do we want to walk with a x-ray gun through the world so we can make the gold radiate with higher power, if we should hit the small gold target by pure coincidence from 30m away? We would badly irradiate the whole hunting area with such practics.

Anyway - x-rays seems still to be the only working way for LRL:
They are highly directional and go through the ground!

Everything else will create just some "huge anomaly field" from a larger distance, depending how big is the object and other close nearby ground factors like hotrocks etc.
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