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Old 02-15-2015, 08:37 PM
goldfinder goldfinder is offline
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Default Enhancing the Dowsing Ability

Dowsing is a personal capability and varies widely across the spectrum from no ability to extreme sensitivity. There are those who claim the ability but simple testing reveals they are either deluded, con men/women, or have have only a slight ability. From observing many dowsers over the years most fall into the poor ability while the very sensitive are very few and far between.

Since I can actually sense the actual energies I believe there is really such a thing as dowsing. I have often wondered if there are any ways to enhance the ability that would up the sensing capability .

Montana Mike is one of the few who advocates meditation to enhance one capability on this forum. I heartily agree with his observation.

I think diet is also important. People who eat heavy foods (meat eaters) I've noticed are usually very poor at dowsing while the few with excellent capability I have seen are close to or are vegetarians. Since I know a lot of vegetarians most of them are quite sensitive people in the nervous system category and the heavy meat eaters are clods in this respect.

The MFD and the LRL for the most part are dowsing machines and claim to enhance the ability although most of the the sellers of these equipment stoutly refuse to call them dowsing machines. This smacks to me of conmen.

If anyone has other inputs in this area I would certainly be interested. This topic, I think, would be of interest to all and maybe has been addressed and if so I'd appreciate the reference(s).
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Old 02-16-2015, 03:39 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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The old joke a guy sees a beatnik walking with a musical instrument case and asks "How do you get the Carnegie Hall?" The beatnik replies "Practice, man, practice!"

Fred Stewart says in one of his books if you start practice when you are five years old and practice every healthy day, by the time you are thirty years old you will have reached your plateau. That does not mean you will be a good dowser, but the level you do reach will depend on how much effort you put into it.

I recently read someone said if you spent ten thousand hours at something you will become a savant. Of course I have to laugh at one skeptic who said anyone can learn to use an L-rod in twenty minutes.

For me I constantly change my routine to keep from getting stale. It's best to keep the sessions short, maybe twenty minutes several times a day. Actual practice with feedback is the only way. It's a b**** sometimes when you don't feel good. One time I drove hours for free to get to a place and i had a migraine headache. Then the dad messed with my equipment when I wasn't looking. It don't get much worse than that. You can say all you want that skeptics don't bother you, but it is Hell. Always try to learn from your mistakes, like Michael Jordan says he learned because he failed. It ain't easy to keep a positive attitude but you got to put that right up front.

Read all the books you can. The internet crap is mostly worthless. Then go back and read the books again. Do this every few months. i swear I learn something new every time I reread a book. Stay away from the hocus pocus psychic crap like map dowsing, etc. That will really f you up.
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Old 02-16-2015, 04:02 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I say it's better to work alone. People try not to bother you but they can't help it. They put an intense stare on you and it ruins things. Even if they aren't staring, their mental energy is on you. Every bit as bad as solar magnetic interference. That's why skeptics can't locate--they have such negative energy.
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Old 02-16-2015, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
Read all the books you can.
I would recommend Chapter 13 of ITMD.
It's best to start with the real facts.
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Old 02-16-2015, 01:11 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Well, I recommend you start back with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Great Deceiver (aka Satan) is comparative knowledge (and phony skeptic logic LOL) instead of direct perception.
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Old 02-16-2015, 03:28 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Here's an old joke.

Skeptic: How do you know all this is true about the Garden of Eden?

Priest: Well, I don't know for sure. When I get to Heaven I will ask them.

Skeptic: And what if they aren't there?

Priest: Then YOU ask them!

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Old 02-17-2015, 09:54 PM
goldfinder goldfinder is offline
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Default Working at Dowsing and the Skeptics

Funny one Mike = fits real well.

As to working alone - depends on how focused a person is. I would never work with a skeptic. Their energies are usually so chaotic I wouldn't have them around me.

I am not in the conversion business. If the skeptics need to get knocked around with all their discord and hatred for a few thousand more lifetimes that is their business. I don't accept their trip in my world!

My observation is that there is what I call a leap of faith. Indiana Jones did it in that movie where he has to cross that canyon and didn't at first see the glass bridge so he took the first step, leap of faith. A person has to take that leap of faith and find the truth on the other side. You can't prove anything to someone who will not take that leap so why waste precious energy. The person's darkness will eventually force them to move forward into the Light.
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Old 02-19-2015, 01:16 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Originally Posted by goldfinder View Post

The MFD and the LRL for the most part are dowsing machines and claim to enhance the ability although most of the the sellers of these equipment stoutly refuse to call them dowsing machines. This smacks to me of conmen.

Ignorant skeptic. Are you channeling Sam? Or worse. And because you don't know what you don't know you attack others who do know. I know of dogs who know more than you about it. I have personally witnessed a dog "nose " an MFD signal line exactly. The dog would also sit down or lie down on the discriminated MFD signal line but mainly only when it wanted to go for a potty walk. I saw it do this for silver, too. And even with a different transmitter. The guy said he never trained it, it just learned on it's own. Another guy said his dog would dig up the spot the instant he turned on the transmitter. I don't know much about that one but he said it was buried cash.

And don't forget the original MFD's used an electronic receiver. If you've looked at the AGR receiver it only works on large masses and relatively close range (100 feet max). The L-rod is way more sensitive but that's not dowsing. Again, I say study Konstantin Meyl and the scalar wave aka longitudinal wave. Some professor Doeppler or something like that uses a homeopathic remedy with it.
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Old 02-19-2015, 02:49 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Anybody can hook up a frequency generator. But there's more to it. The HID systems for one. And you must know how to use the rods and how to interpret them. Of course that's the hard part and if you think you can learn that on your own without some guidance, you are delusional. And it's more than just learning the rods, that's the meditation part.

The dowsing amplifier I built does not work without a sample or witness. That tells me it is not really dowsing, but i call it that because it uses the witness and most people associate that with dowsing. Of course the skeptics associate anything with L-rods as dowsing. That's simple ignorance. And like they say in AA if you don't admit you have a problem you will continue to play the blame game. Blame the equipment, blame the builder, blame everything except yourself. That's why they say "prisoner of blame". You make your own jail cell.
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Old 02-19-2015, 04:15 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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As for your testing, I wasn't there so I don't know. I know Dell said if a magnetometer could be magnified 300 times, you could pick up the signal line. Now remember that is during conditions without too much interference. And i might add like Meyl says, other resonant objects nearby are going to draw power off the system. That leaves less for your target. And humans can absorb the signal, but you should know that if you studied Meyl.

So the key is resonance. On the witricity, an MIT scientist said resonant transfer is a million times more efficient than not resonant. Of course that's assuming you have resonance in your system. But keep trying.
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Old 02-19-2015, 05:02 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I doubt you will get a stable mag at 300 times more amplification. I don't know where they got that figure, but it tells me man-made equipment doers not work at well as God-made.

I know Dell has made some misstatements in the past. I assume that is due to his lack of electronics knowledge because he is honest to a fault.

Reminds me of another joke.

This is why seniors don't get hired. A senior is at a job interview. "What is your biggest fault?" he is asked. "Honesty." he replies. "I don't think that is a fault." the interviewer says. The senior replies, "I don't give a crap about what you think!"

I bought an MFD Weight Chek from K-co years ago. The instructions were not accurate. Years later Carl did a pan on one. I noticed mine looked the same, had the same instruction manual, but it was not the same inside. And it did not work like the instructions said it was supposed to. I made some modifications to it and I like it now after i figured out how this one works. I put a fine tuner on it and now I can see the difference of 50 ohms or less how it affects the rod response. Like the bumper stick on the car "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you." Yeah, I'm way slow. Takes me years sometimes but one day the light comes on in my head. I remember stuff from years ago. I attribute it to eating dark chocolate. Serious. That's why i talk about going back and rereading the books. Once you learn one thing, you find other related stuff. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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Old 02-19-2015, 05:43 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I don't know why dowsers are some of the biggest LRL skeptics on the planet. I guess like most people they think they know it all. Problem is they have their head up their rear. No doubt it is very similar to a religion and anyone or anything that goes against their beliefs of "a coat hanger is just as good" is a sacrilege. Meth users the same way. it's their religion.
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Old 03-03-2015, 01:14 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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Was watching Brain Games on TV. They said if you imagine throwing a baseball at the camera you not only use 50% of your brain but you force open more/new channels in your brain.

Stress due to lack of time or resources produces adrenaline and noradrenaline. Both affect your brain functioning.

. Hugely increased sensitivity. I suspect this is way over most people's head.
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Old 03-03-2015, 09:15 AM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
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I'm not very good at describing things. The other day before I had seen the Brain Games episode, I was using an L-rod (no transmitter) doing a sweep. The thought came to me to imagine that the rod tip is a writing implement. Some might wish to think of it as a paint brush, but i don't paint so I wouldn't know. LOL Of course you still have to have a smooth sweep, no bouncing. Anyway the idea here is to personal with the rod. Some say think of it as an extension of your body.

I've read people describe the target field as having a pressure or even a membrane that the rod can sense. The redneck description would be thumping your truck tires with a tire iron to check the air pressure. Of course this is very crude compared to imagining the rod tip as if you are writing with it. You know how they talk about your signature so much of you in it. Do that with the rod. The opposite of this would be what I call the doofus "duh"--no feeling.

Also the show did an experiment where people would take a tesrt, then listen to classical music of Mozart for a show time then take another test. They scored higher. Then they listened to rock music and took another test. Surprisingly they also scored higher than the first test. It's what they called "enjoyment arousal". Now picture an angry and bitter skeptic with the negative and pompous attitude. Well, hopefully i do not have to explain this one.
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Old 03-06-2015, 09:23 PM
goldfinder goldfinder is offline
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Default Carry a nerve jammer when dowsing - keeps you aroused

From Mike (Montana)
... Also the show did an experiment where people would take a tesrt, then listen to classical music of Mozart for a show time then take another test. They scored higher. Then they listened to rock music and took another test. Surprisingly they also scored higher than the first test. It's what they called "enjoyment arousal". Now picture an angry and bitter skeptic with the negative and pompous attitude. Well, hopefully i do not have to explain this one.

Hey Mike - we haven't heard from you in a couple of days. Did you run out of caustic remarks?

Mike - for some reason you have vilified me as a skeptic. If you had really read my initial forum note on this you would see that is not the case.

I haven't seen anything, so far, on ways to enhance the dowsing ability except perhaps meditation which I do agree with. Meditation does increase one's sensitivity and awareness to energies across the spectrum.

Anything else out there in dowsing land that really addresses this topic ?? Any dowsers out there that want to chip in ??
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Old 05-25-2019, 12:50 AM
Douglas Douglas is offline
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friend is not training is reality in the detection of metals is simple antenna pointed will have something if not the desired because the science of the antenna is wrong
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Old 11-02-2019, 05:36 PM
nicholas nicholas is offline
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First may I say hello to all. Its been 10 years since I signed onto this forum and even though I have lurked from time to time, over the years...hoping to find the Holy grail, I realized that it was a personal quest and the answers I was looking for were to be found within.
With that said, I have been dowsing for 10 years and this is what I have learned.
The dowsing ability is in our dna as a self preservation mechanism so mankind can survive with all that the word implies. From locating water and minerals to self healing etc. so it would be safe to call it a universal energy. In ancient times the ones who showed that they had inclination were chosen through a selective process and trained to enhance their abilities, and naturally there were secrets so that's why the selection process.

Even though there has been a huge effort to hide and destroy these secrets over the millenia, our ancient ancestors, the sea people had the foresight to leave them for us in such a way that they are there for those who seek, although it is not an easy task to connect the dots and since they left it this way, I will just give the direction for whoever is interested.

If you can feel the energies then you have it but something is missing from your repertoire and it's not diet only. If you are searching for the yellow metal and talking about ghosts you are missing something. You should be able to go to ground zero.

Someone once told.me," if you can't find water how do you expect to find the yellow metal."

Here is a simple test for practice, no need to bury anything. It would be good to ground it a few cms though Take 5 plastic containers of the same type and put a different metal in each and spread them out at a distance and dowse for the yellow metal. No cheating. All the containers the same weight the metal inside wrapped in paper so you can't hear the differences in sound, or have someone spread them around . And from distances. 50-100 m. When you can find the gold every time then you will be able to find it in the field just as easily and at greater distances..

But like another poster said, once you can do this, you then realize that there is a higher purpose to it all.Thats why the dowsers are few and far between.

I did miss once today in practice.... but as it turned out, I had this iPhone thing in my pocket.

All the best
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Old 11-04-2019, 06:36 AM
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Τhe only thing nicholas is that when you dowse like that you dowse in the metaphysical level and you don't eventually look for energies.
It is like looking for the action that took place when placing the plastic containers and not the energy that the specimen of the gold spreads in the atmosphere.
This part of dowsing exists but to master it is very very dificult.
One has to dowse in the physical plane if he wants to have some success looking for metals. Trying to tune and distinguish the energies arround him is the way a treasure hunter should follow to get results.
A piece of metal has to stay in the ground for many weeks to be detectable from the majority of the accomplished dowsers which as you correctly stated are only a few.
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Old 11-04-2019, 03:20 PM
nicholas nicholas is offline
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Originally Posted by g-sani View Post
Τhe only thing nicholas is that when you dowse like that you dowse in the metaphysical level and you don't eventually look for energies.
It is like looking for the action that took place when placing the plastic containers and not the energy that the specimen of the gold spreads in the atmosphere.
This part of dowsing exists but to master it is very very dificult.
One has to dowse in the physical plane if he wants to have some success looking for metals. Trying to tune and distinguish the energies arround him is the way a treasure hunter should follow to get results.
A piece of metal has to stay in the ground for many weeks to be detectable from the majority of the accomplished dowsers which as you correctly stated are only a few.
Your points are respected and well taken, although there is room for debate, but before any further comments I would like to just humbly state that after 10 years of pendulum and L rod dowsing, I consider myself in grade school level.
Having said that, and to elaborate a little on your points, imo whether it be physics,quantum physics or metaphysics, they all have a part to play, and anyone serious about his art must be in constant evaluation of these balances within himself.

In regards to what percentage of metaphysics is involved in the container game, I admit I can't be certain but suspect that there is also a balance between the above three there.

Whether it be a game or in the field, one must be able to adapt at that particular moment in time to each situation, since very seldom if ever are there two cases the same, and so the balances and percentages are always fluctuating in real time.

It depends on each individual, his character, his level of discipline as this is what imo determines success or failures and also the success rate .
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Old 11-05-2019, 02:39 PM
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Hi nicholas,
Everything that you stated is correct. It can't be one thing in dowsing without the other. Metaphysical dowsing has its physical quality in it and the oposite.
So, I agree that whatever you choose to practice the other component is still there. And the persentage of it depends mostly to the person who is practicing dowsing with the rest of the parameters playing only a second role.
But when we are talking about comparing one with the other then physical dowsing is by far the easiest one for someone to practice.
In my opinion one must practice physical dowsing when he is looking for material things(treasures in our case) letting the metaphysical aspect come in by chance. Of course you should be aware that the metaphysical side is always there helping you, but nothing more than this. The truth is that you are thirsty to see some quick results when you start dowsing and to me this is the most crucial point for the beginner because you are in need of building some confidence for yourself and for what you are doing while practicing the art.
Then as time passes by you realise that you become better and better in the metaphysical aspect of it.
And who knows maybe one day you will be able to ask questions and get the right answers for everything you have asked but then you have also opened what they call akashic records.
And this is the beauty of dowsing, it takes you to personal ascension and nothing is the same in your life again.

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