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Just look what is posted in LA Times !?!?!?!?
So...now Usain Bolt is "freak of the nature" !???!? When "they" can not beat somebody, usually "they" decree him as "freak of the nature" !! Than...how to like "them"?? Despite our efforts, we simply can not like those kind of people (if people they are at all). Yesterday evening i watched that race with a huge thrill. I was and still am delited with what Usain Bolt achieved! What a man! What a champion! Real champion! Not "freak of the nature" but great man, real man and finest human specimen! Minute after the race i almost died laughing cose of so idiotic and stupid appearance of Lolo Jones when interviewing Tyson G.a.y. What a stupid and limited girl she is? Typical american girl with typical american way of thinking!? Horror! (I for sure should know that fact, i met many of them in my life so far!) Instead asking poor Tyson about huge lost from Bolt and huge disapointment, she actually pretty thrilled told him how he won national record!!!! Tyson was confused much, perplexed and said something which he, himself couldnt even understand!? Ahahahhahaahh! I am sorry for Tyson, it is so obvious that he is great racer and great sportsman. All tributes to him. But Bolt is superior! Best that mother nature can give us! And it is time to be accepted as that. It is huge shame for usa , shame and reproach to have so bad attitude upon foreign (and much better) sportist who easilly beat their (also not bad) sportists. Articles like this one in LA Times, written by some american idiot, will not contribute at all to relations usa - rest of the world. On contrary, articles and attitude simillar to this will enlarge abyss already present between usa and rest of the world. How to like them? How to give them a friendly hand? Tough! |
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eh ??? "freak of nature" ??? ![]() Who wrote that, whoever he/she is, is a big *****hole, a truly gigantic IDIOT! Dot. ![]() Me too... watched that race with a huge thrill yesterday... What Bolt made is already HISTORY. And G.a.y. ...well... what to say, is fast, but not as fast... and I really don't understand his way of doing... what he said... what he has aginst so SUPERIOR sportsman, that's BOLT. BOLT won the race with style... and G.a.y. simple don't realize he lose not cause there's some "freak of nature" against him but, simply, someone that runs faster. Dot. Someone think is there any doping or something !? Prove that, or shut up! That's a really bad example of press article from L.A. times, if that's new politics there... well... people can also don't buy that c.r.a.p. or throw in the pile of garbage... I was thrilled when Carl Lewis won all that medals in L.A. and all celebrated him for so many years... now what I have to read: "freak of nature"... The only "freak of nature" are newspapers that hire that "genius"... next Pulitzer Prize I think... ![]() Fu#k the L.A. Times, Fu#k that stupid monkeys... Bolt is an antihero... and they hate him cause of that and cause he's from Jamaica and not USA... and they hate most of all his dance attitude at the end of races... that they see like a big joke to the billion dollars paid G.a.y. s. ![]() Kind regards, Max
"Kill for gain or shoot to maim... But we dont need a reason " someone said... |
I agree 100% with You.
Usain Bolt is history maker, no matter what certain news rats trying with posting such rubbish. Only average american idiot can accept simillar nonsences. It is still fresh in my memory - huge injustice done to my compatriot Milorad Cavic, at olymipic games in Beijing. He was the real winner in that race against Michael Phelps. But than "those" did the "magic" with time counters and made M.P. the winner. Nobody on this planet MUST NOT win against usa sportists! Ha,ha,ha! I saw slowmotion of that race dozen times (on our national tv was analyzed in details) and it is so obvious that Cavic touched first the pool fence (or whatever they calling that marker). Yet...it was not enough. M.P. must win, so they did it! Now is Usain Bolt on the table! If he was from usa than we wouldnt have what to talk about. Pitty (for them) he is from Jamaica. God bless him and whole Jamaica! |
But wait...more reproach is waiting "them". Usain Bolt and company are just about to take more medals in Berlin!!! Ahahahahahah! Looking forward to see and enjoy!
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Me too think that Cavic won that race... but maybe Beijing judges need googles... ![]() But... you know... M.P. needs another gold medal... and they gave him! ![]() And then the smart press made all that game as in Carl Lewis case, years ago... not even considering that "incident" of Beijing games... What to say... they need googles too! ![]() Kind regards, Max
"Kill for gain or shoot to maim... But we dont need a reason " someone said... |
There are some highlights on Eurosport right now. I saw race again. And i took a shot with my cam, short movie directly from tv screen. Ha,ha,ha!
Just look what spirit has that man! Man must like that Usain Bolt! Real character! I am sitting in front of tv and waiting more events today... Enjoy! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ooops HE did it again!!!
![]() ![]() ![]() * 100m = 9.58 * 200m = 19.19 What's next? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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You are exactly right. He lost not cause there's some "freak of nature" against him, but simply someone that runs faster. The reporting from the LA Times, and other American TV and newspaper press is editorial propaganda, not true reporting of the facts. The Newspapers and Radio broadcasts in the USA began a propaganda campaign during the second world war when they noticed how effective Hitler's propaganda was for getting support from the people of that country. Since that time, the television broadcasts have also been used to promote propaganda along with actual news. Whenever there is any world controversy, the American press and broadcasts show the stories from the edited American point of view. This is because the USA government has strong influence in the USA news agencies. The reasoning is the press must support the idea that the USA is the best of everything in the world. If Americans believe they are the best, and have the best government, and have the best ideas, and best athletes, and best everything, then they will support the government policies, even if they are not popular policies to most of the world outside the USA. And most USA citizens believe most of what they hear from the USA news. They are too busy working to take time to check if it is true or not. There are still USA citizens who believe the war against Iraq was for the purpose to stop Iraq from stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, while all the rest of the world knows a different reason for that war. This is not because these Americans are stupid, but because they only heard what what was reported in the USA news services. As a resident of the USA, have been watching this USA propaganda phenomenon for years. Years ago I first discovered it when I spent hours listening to broadcasts on short wave radio from other countries. I heard many world news events that were never reported in the USA, and others that seem to have been twisted into something different than what most of the other countries were reporting. In my travels, I discovered that what the other countries were reporting are often more accurate than the version that is reported in the USA news. But I also see propaganda in the reporting from other countries too. It seems the "truth" of any event depends on the politics from where it is reported. I think most intelligent people can recognize when they are reading and hearing slanted stories in the news. Not all people in the USA are ignorant enough to make the kind of reporting that we see in the G.a.y/Bolt race. The reason we see idiotic reporters from the USA is because the executives who own the news agencies will not hire reporters who do not provide the "American dream" point of view. If a reporter was to say G.a.y lost the race because Bolt is just plain faster -- Bolt is not from the USA, but he's the fastest you will find in this world", then this reporter would be looking for a new job the next day. This seems to be true of all the major USA news agencies. I am sure there are other countries where we find varying degrees of this kind of news control happening. What is sad is this is what is seen by the world as representing the average USA citizens. In fact, most people in the USA are not inclined to twist a story like that. Only a few who understand what they are expected to report when they work for a large news agency would do that. The USA is comprised of immigrants from countries all over the world, as well as a few aboriginals who lived here before the immigrants. We have all cultures and points of view. I seriously doubt the average citizen would allow himself to publish the kind of garbage you are referring to if they were asked to report the story. But then no news agency would hire a person with the idea to report only the facts. They want people who will conduct interviews that will promote the American dream, not reality. Best wishes, J_P |
This is so true and well said .
Yes it is true and well said...and also very sad. Bad thing is also that many other countries are having simillar propaganda as usa.
I dont beleive that most of usa citizens are stupid, of course not. usa is huge country with huge population. There are many smart and valueable people there , of course. But major percentage are average people with "chicken memory" - sad but true. Same as in my country and any other. But claiming Bolt as "freak of the nature" is a way to much! Just because he is not usa sportsman and just because he is much better than any usa sportsman! Not fair, not sport and not smart at all. With very same philosophy usa propaganda and usa politics are started various wars arround the globe. I have very personal reasons to hate. usa propaganda and usa politics bombed my country for 78 days and destroyed it in huge percent, so as killed many inocent people here. usa politics couldnt fight directly to our army but bombed hospitals, civil marks and killed mostly civilians and destroyed mostly civil targets. Later they proclaimed colateral damage!!! In same manner usama bin fuc.k.i.n.g ladden could claim wt towers as colateral damage. I hate usama bin fuc.k.i.n.g ladden same way as i hate usa politics - those are same to me, no differences - both are killing inocent people arround the world. Reading what that idiot posted in LA Times i can only sense the very same spirit - today sport joke, tomorow bombs on Jamaica, if neccessary! That's way is very important ordinary people from usa to stand up and fight against simillar appearances! Not to fight arround the world - but first to clean garbage in their own house. Larger the house - more garbage to clean! A lot of job is waiting. J Player i thank you for such good elaborated text. I agree 100%. Regards! |
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But this does not happen only in the USA. You will see the news service for many countries contains some degree of propaganda and editing to support the politics of these other countries. It has been my experience that people think the same way all over the world. If people in China, or Russia, or Italy, or any other country were to hear only broadcasts that were had editorial propaganda, then they would also believe what they are hearing is correct. But in Europe this is not easily done, because Europeans speak several languages, and can hear broadcasts from many countries to get a good picture of what are the real facts. In the USA most average Americans only speak English, and will only hear the USA news broadcasts. For this reason, it is much easier to accomplish the task of adding propaganda to the news in the USA. And people seldom suspect anything is wrong, because there is no "different version" news to compare to the news they hear. So if I am correct, It is highly unlikely that there will be any citizen's uprising in the USA designed to remove propaganda from the news. And I doubt any small group of protesters would have any chance in changing the USA news service policies. The result of this propaganda is most Americans believe the wars that happened were necessary to stop very dangerous threats to the world or to USA. This is what they see on the television, and what they believe. They have no reason to put a stop to fighting these wars against these perceived threats to the world. They want to help remove these threats, and they know the way to do this is to support their government's position. So the average American citizen is not stupid, but just uninformed. Actually, they may be less smart on average than the rest of the world because they spend a lot of time getting their opinions from watching televisions, which prevents them from thinking on their own. I could be wrong about all this, but this is how it looks to me from inside the USA after going outside for some extended stays. Best wishes, J_P |
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