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Rough and shortened translation from the German book of:
Reinhold Ostler - Handbook for Treasure-Searchers (2009) Part 1 2003 I got a phone-call from some building-firm-owner of Switzerland who told me: "We have developed a Gold-detector but it can much more, its not a usual metal-detector. Is it possible to visit you?" I said yes. I didn't hear anything of him and was not sorry - so far all these special detectors the people dragged to me were junk, anyway. But in April 2004 the phone ringed again and the guy wanted to visit me. 30min later he and 2 other guys were here - it was a ca. 22-24 years old person from Eastern Europe and a Dolmetsh. The building-firm owner was around 40 at that time and had a strong musculous bull-stature. The young guy seems to was the inventor. "Before I show you the functions of the device you have to sign a Secrecy-Declaration and you are not allowed to contact me later concerning this detector!", he insisted and I signed this contract. Then he told me that it detects Gold and Silver at 100 meter (300 ft) and that the technology is not really a secret, the guy just has improved this device which is in use by the military already - he just expanded its functionality. I told him about the 6000 bucks expensive "electronic downsing-rods" we have here in our country and that they are not working! "Ours works, we will demonstrate it to you!" Long story short, they went with me in my "buried treasures-test garden" and the device indeed found everything!! The test area is 200x200 meters; the device was inside of a fisher-box, a green plastic-box with transparent top-cover. Now this guy called "Berner" (name probably changed) wanted a deal with me: Before I continue with this unbelievable but authentic story: Any idea what military-detector could this be, which turned this serious and very critical thinking treasure-hunter into a convinced LRL-believer? For a Radar or GPR this fisher-box is definitly too small. This is technology which existed already in 2002 - 2003. |
Additional Information:
Reinhold Ostler (R.I.P.) wrote in the book that he created its testfield in 2003 - so there is no "long time ago buried Gold" etc. which built up any special engergy-fields. The box was 30cm (12'') long, and ca. 15cm x 12cm broad, there exists a picture of it. The laser-pointer was mounted outside on the side and only used to show the location. And: This here is a serious investigation and no magic Hogus Pogus! If you think you have "magical powers" prove them inside of a laboratory! *laugh* Too many people think they are the ultra special gifted from the whole universe! But in reality they die like a little worm and can do nothing with their "illusions" than betraying others and feeling personally like a king. Of course there also remains the possibility that Mr. Ostler told not the complete truth in the book or that he was tricked. I don't know him personally but you never know. This whole story is also about Nazi Gold where he claimed that he would know the approximate location - narrowed down to an area of ca. 500 meters. However - at the end of that story he asked his readers if they might knew something about this detector. Seen from the "Secrecy of Eastern Europe Miliary Higtec" meanwhile its 13 years later! Which means that there is a very high chance that this stuff is no longer secret or never was. What kind of "not metal detectors" the military is using? Besides radar and GPR not many. Did they have this "through the wall"-stuff already in 2003 - probably not. For Radar the box is too small and it had no directional or reflecting antenna. But what it might had inside was an ion-chamber. What I think is that the detecor measures the amount of "background radioactivity" an when a metal-object is inbetween this amount changes and can become detected. So this would be a high degree directional Geiger-Counter which knows the usual radioactivity-background radiation and gives an alert if a metal object blocks or distracts them into other directions. Does the Military uses Geiger-Counters? For sure! Are these directional? Yes, they are. Is the difference recognizable? Yes, because the soil is not that tight packed at areas where someone has buried even smaller stuff and so it changes the radioactivity level. And now its your turn. Perhaps some here know already about this detector but keeps it as a big secret ... |
If no one replies here you can wait a long time for the final part
of the whole story, the picture of this detector and other info's. You've had to wait already now 1 week ... Hahaha! But why should swivel-rod-"dreamers" should be interested in electronics? However - this whole story is suspicious anyway !!! It could be some constructed short-novel because: 1. He created its testfield just a few months ago before this LRL-story 2. This 200x200 meter testfield is far too large so that he could remember where he has buried his own stuff - at least without all kind of markings. 3. He claims that Mr. Berner (I guess he just came from Bern, Switzerland and the name is wrong) afterwards found "his" Nazi-Gold which of course makes himself look much more important. 4. How this LRL finds only the hidden stuff from Mr. Ostler while this huge field is for sure full of enough other stuff, too? This might be the same "need for attention" as with Mr. Fenn: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world...co/ar-BB15amcS Found by some guy who wants to remain anonymous! Oh, really? Where is the proof that this treasure ever existed? Which person is so crazy and gives away for free stuff which is worth Millions of Dollars with the risk that he dies and this stuff never will be found?! But concerning this LRL: The chances are extremely high that the technology it uses is know by now after 17 years! Given that it would have ever existed at all. Since when exists this forum? 2006? So one of all the guys which visited it since then for sure must have something heard of it. This is meanwhile VERY OLD technology! |
"Fenn, who lives in Santa Fe, said he hid his treasure as a way to tempt people
to get into the wilderness and give them a chance to launch an old-fashioned adventure and expedition for riches." So, after those finds, there is no more reason to go out in the wilderness for adventure. Better to go in self-quarantine and wait adventure to coming with uncertified respirators. .
Global capital is ruining your life? You have right to self-defence! |
At least you can count on WM6 that he writes something useful and LRL-sceptical here!
![]() Well, good point - hahaha - meanwhile only poem-based pseudo-treasure-exploring with chemistry-infested N95 masks at the next park or parking lot nearby available! I guess this was a Tourism- and self-promotion-stunt and nothing else, as long as this guy and his mysterious treasure-finder aren't showing any real hard evidence! Same as these Oakland Island freaks there exists just too many people who wanna make a huge show out of themselves - in the USA especially and here in this forum. Psychological seen this is arousing cheap attention to get the attraction of women. Too bad if you only arouse the attention of criminals and idiots with such methods! btw. this island woud be a perfect testing ground for these "fantastic" LRL's so please my dear LRL-dreamers, go there and be careful not to fall into some hole! |
As you see, I have time with the final part so you better prove some
real interest by replying or you can look for it somewhere else! And WM6 does not count because he is "ANTI" anyway! *laugh* But first you can take a look at a picture of this fantastic LRL. ![]() And by the way there exists already a patent of a directional x-ray-meter. But this stuff for sure is not that contrast-sensitive and highly directional so that it would see the radiation-shadow of a metal-object from far away. The method of detection was turning the box to the left and right so it could have something to do with the EM-field-polarization. This can also affect some nearby distorted field-lines of the earth-magnetic. Anyway - would be a wonder if in 2004 there existed already a really working LRL while 16 years later there still exists no one! *laugh* Because that would mean that you all here are pretty stupid because you couldn't even get your hands or info on this "old" piece of electronics! ![]() But for luck at least meanwhile a LRL-sceptic informs you about this object - if it was not some freely invented fairy-tale story - same as we have them here! |
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