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Old 04-22-2006, 07:19 PM
PanZero PanZero is offline
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Default Ionic fields


sorry about my bad english.
Can anyone give me information about ionic fields, they sizes, charts and other information about ionic field, frequencies etc.
But mineoro.com i doesnt like...

Thank you.
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Old 04-22-2006, 10:31 PM
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So far, nobody has proven that an ionic field exists. Those who say there is an ionic field also say it has an oval shape around the target that is longer in the north-south axis than the east-west axis. They say the ionic field strength changes with humidity and solar activity.

The frequencies they use are between 100 hz and 1000 hz. There is no consistent agreement for what frequency to use. A long-time veteran of ionic field research is Dell Winders. He says there are several harmonic frequencies that will work for each of the different targets. He says he experiments with the frequency during field testing, then adjusts to the frequency that works best for what he is searching for.
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Old 04-23-2006, 02:46 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player
A long-time veteran of ionic field research is Dell Winders.
I'm sure Dell will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any of his "research" has included ionic fields. Dell (and most other frequency-based LRL proponents) subscribe to molecular resonance. However, it is true that amongst all the resonance proponents, there is no agreement on the resonant frequencies.

- Carl
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Old 04-23-2006, 06:16 AM
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I think you're right that Dell doesn't subscribe to the ionic field theory. That is what he stated. But he also talks a lot about "field strength" Which he never defines. Could be ionic field or some other kind of field. This is why it is so hard to understand any of the "science" the LRL proponents say they use.

My personal opinion is it is a waste of time to pursue any of the LRL theories until we have some understandable science to approach it with.

on the other end or the LRL spedctrum, Franco and Ivconic have been doing some interesting experimenting with electronics that actually measure some known physical properties that can be detected on the ground. You can read about it in these forum links:
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Old 04-23-2006, 10:55 AM
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Originally Posted by J_Player
But he also talks a lot about "field strength" Which he never defines.
He's referring to electromagnetic fields. Or, as he calls them, "electrical-magnetic."
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Old 04-24-2006, 05:00 PM
PanZero PanZero is offline
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Originally Posted by J_Player
The frequencies they use are between 100 hz and 1000 hz.
thank you, with my detector now i can find ionic field

before i search on gold freq. and that point what show detector is with many meters offset...

now i can find place where 100% are object.

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Old 04-24-2006, 08:49 PM
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Dell Winders said he finds the frequency for gold by placing a 1-oz gold krugerrand coin on the ground. Then he walks around the target while adjusting the frequency until he finds a frequency that works best. He also uses silver, copper and other targets to adjust for their frequencies.

Dell Winders has this to say about what frequency for different metals:
Originally Posted by Dell Winders
None of the frequencies being used by any of the LRL manufacturer's is the actual frequency of the element being sought. The frequencies used are merely a frequency that holds long enough to establish the harmonics. There are numbers of frequencies up and down the frequency range that will serve that purpose for each element.

...Gold 5.0 Khz & Silver 8.7 Khz were caculated by a mathmatic formula. The frequencies most manufacturers use, including myself, are obtained emphirically thru trial & error.

The lower the frequency the less lattitude there is to allow signal drift there fore with analog circuitry I find that frequencies below 500 Hz is impractical.In my PRO-4 micro controller circuit, I am using Gold 222 Hz, & Silver 335 Hz.
The latitude for drift is only about 1 Hz on either side.
Dell says also that if you are looking for targets such as emeralds. You must set the frequency to one of the elements found in an emerald that will give a strong signal, such as Berylium. Some of the frequencies Dell uses are over 1000 Hz. Most are a few hundred Hz and must be controlled to be very stable, within 1 Hz drift.

You could try the frequencies Dell uses for gold and silver. Some LRL users claim Dells detectors are better than the other more expensive models, and they work when others don't.
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Old 04-25-2006, 05:35 AM
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hola amigos, yo estoy experimentando y tratando de construir un detector que usa un jfet , mi proyecto intenta ser un embobinado que cargandose en forma de caja se apunte hacia la tierra, y que cuando pase esa antena sobre un objeto enterrado cambie el balance del jfet y de una señalacion en un marcador de aguja
ya hice un prototipo sin estructuracion, y he estado haciendole pruebas, este prototipo detecta un anillo de oro a 2 mts y medio , y un anillo de hierro lo detecta solo levemente, sinembargo estas experimentaciones todavia no se llevan a cabo con objetos enterrados, y estoy consciente que es muy probable que no pueda detectar en esa forma, de todos modos ahora solo estoy buscandole el mayor rango de deteccion, y que pueda discriminar, despues seran otros problemas a resolver, ahora ya estoy formando la caja en donde instalare el embobinado antena, la caja con el marcador incrustado arriba, medira 28 x 21 x 20 cms y sera muy liviana de triplay, se tomara como una maleta, y adentro enmedio de esa caja instalare el jfet con la pila de 9 volts, espero funcione, y poder mostrarles el proyecto ya terminado un saludo
detectoman mexico
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Old 04-25-2006, 08:26 AM
michael michael is offline
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Default write in english

detectoman! Is it possible write it in english at least impart somebody like as me?
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Old 04-25-2006, 08:28 AM
michael michael is offline
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Default write in english

By the way it's because of I don't know southern american language.
please forive my impudence.
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Old 04-25-2006, 10:50 PM
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Cool Detector using a JFET

Originally Posted by detectoman
hola amigos, yo estoy experimentando y tratando de construir un detector que usa un jfet , mi proyecto intenta ser un embobinado que cargandose en forma de caja se apunte hacia la tierra, y que cuando pase esa antena sobre un objeto enterrado cambie el balance del jfet y de una señalacion en un marcador de aguja
ya hice un prototipo sin estructuracion, y he estado haciendole pruebas, este prototipo detecta un anillo de oro a 2 mts y medio , y un anillo de hierro lo detecta solo levemente, sinembargo estas experimentaciones todavia no se llevan a cabo con objetos enterrados, y estoy consciente que es muy probable que no pueda detectar en esa forma, de todos modos ahora solo estoy buscandole el mayor rango de deteccion, y que pueda discriminar, despues seran otros problemas a resolver, ahora ya estoy formando la caja en donde instalare el embobinado antena, la caja con el marcador incrustado arriba, medira 28 x 21 x 20 cms y sera muy liviana de triplay, se tomara como una maleta, y adentro enmedio de esa caja instalare el jfet con la pila de 9 volts, espero funcione, y poder mostrarles el proyecto ya terminado un saludo
detectoman mexico
Originally Posted by michael
detectoman! Is it possible write it in english at least impart somebody like as me?
Here is a translation using Babel Fish:

hello friends, I am experimenting and trying to construct a detector that uses a jfet, my project tries to be embobinado that loading in box form note towards the Earth, and that when it passes that antenna over a buried object changes the balance of jfet and of one señalacion in a needle marker already I made a prototype without structuring, and I have been testing to him, this prototype detects a 2 gold ring to mts and means, and an iron ring detects it slightly single, sinembargo these experimentations todavia are not carried out with buried objects, and I am conscious that it is very probable that it cannot detect in that form, anyway now single I am looking for the greater rank to him of detection, and that can discriminate, despues other problems would seran to solve, now or I am forming the box in where it will install the embobinado antenna, the box with the inlaid marker above, medira 28 xs 21 20 xs cms and very light sera of triplay, it was taken like a suitcase, and inside enmedio of that box will install jfet with the battery of 9 volts, I hope works, and to be able to show the project or finished a greeting to them they detectoman mexico


In case you haven't heard of the Babel Fish:

The Babel fish is small, yellow and leechlike, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centers of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.

Even then it doesn't translate everything correctly
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