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Old 08-13-2007, 10:43 AM
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Default pointronic 98

Hi to all
Me and Geo need pointronic 98 circuit diagram .
Can anybody upload here ?
Best regards .
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Old 08-13-2007, 06:11 PM
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why don't ask Esteban ?

seems he has it !

Originally Posted by Esteban
Also have schematics of Mineoro (number 493 of my list):

493. Various Mineoro schematics, two boxes, etc.:
- 08 MI - Two boxes
- 89 MC - Two boxes
- BL 692 - Two boxes
- 8 VLl - MD
- 8 VLU - MD
- Modifications in Mineoro’s 8VLU
- CM 80
- D1 and D2 - BFO
- MP 10 - Two boxes
- DC 2006 - Pistol long range
- Pointronic 98 - Pistol long range
- DCH 85 - Pistol long range

If I'm right he'll refuse to post the entire schematic attempting some phrase like:
"sorry but I cannot post here"

Then you'll ask him for sending by email, but you'll never receive it.

They claimed some of these work... do you remember...?

Again this is just a stupid poker play, they'll never give you the schematic of a "branded" LRL, of their realm, cause they'll lose any (residual?) credit !

They are good ONLY BLUFFING !

Kind regards,
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Old 08-13-2007, 08:01 PM
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Again this is just a stupid poker play, they'll never give you the schematic of a "branded" LRL, of their realm, cause they'll lose any (residual?) credit !

All us can wind a round of poker without showing all the cards. Credit? Who qualify here if I or another person have or not credit? Where is the measurement scale of credit?
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Old 08-13-2007, 08:10 PM
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Hi Max .

I did not ask the schematic from Esteban and neither I will ask him for it. Simply I saw published the schematic here with bad analysis and I said him to sent it to me in order to studied a little. Generally a lot of trouble for nothing .
My best regards to all of you
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Old 08-14-2007, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Geo View Post
Hi Max .

I did not ask the schematic from Esteban and neither I will ask him for it. Simply I saw published the schematic here with bad analysis and I said him to sent it to me in order to studied a little. Generally a lot of trouble for nothing .
My best regards to all of you
Hi Geo,
I know your intentions are just educational !

That you'll like see with your eyes the circuit and then evaluate if could work or not, maybe build it and test!

I think that people that post here stuff with low resolution or masking parts etc don't want really post anything good or giving any good info.

I think they need that stuff to make people think they know "secrets" about LRL working... that they don't want / can't make public domain.

Like in the poker play the bluffing could be productive if at the end people think that secrets exist and they know that secrets for real. They'll push this or that brand of LRL, without giving any proof or fact and can't be linked to the business cause they claim no-connection with those manifacturers.

I think that the "Pointronic 98" case here is just another example of this strategy. As you can see nobody answer with the full schematic... but just to make other claims and assumptions.

Kind regards,
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Old 08-14-2007, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Max
Gold ions generation depends on many factors but no need of any long time...

I mean if you have right components in soil... maybe is matter of hours or days. They talk about 100 or 1000years.

Also bacteria if present could make exchange reactions at cellular barrier even in few minutes.
In natural soil conditions, buried gold will not produce an ion anomaly in a matter of hours or days. Researchers discovered the necessary soil chemistry must first be present, and then there is a period of time to slowly dissolve the gold, and for traces of gold ions to migrate in a column to the surface. Given the best natural soil conditions where there is an existing colony of gold-eating microbes, the time required for this column of ions to reach the surface would depend on the depth of the buried gold, and the ion mobility properties of the soil surrounding the gold.

In order to dissolve gold in a matter of hours, we would need to use artificial means, such as methods used in mining recovery. One common method of mining recovery uses cyanide solution sprinkled over the material that was dug from the mine in order to dissolve and leach out any gold. This cyanide solution is collected after it drains from the soil, then the gold is chemically precipitated as solid gold metal, as well as other trace metals of interest. These cyanide recoveries are performed at gold mines all over the world, and could be a good test bed for a LRL that is claimed will find gold ions.

If a LRL is guaranteed to respond to the presence of gold ions, then there is an abundance of gold ions in the soil wherever a mine is conducting cyanide leaching. These mines often have sprinklers set up on several acres of land to spray cyanide solution on mounds of soil and dissolve tiny particles of gold. If a LRL can actually find gold ions in the soil, then these cyanide leaching fields contain gold ions thousands of times more concentrated than what is naturally found in the soil.

Do you suppose these gold ion detecting LRLs can detect where the leaching fields of a gold mine are located?

Another method where you can make your own test of these LRLs is to prepare some aqua regia to dissolve gold and create gold ions. If you dissolve 1 mg of gold into aqua regia, then add distilled water to the aqua regia to make up 1 liter, you will have a concentration of gold ions of 1 part per million. This is about 1000 times more concentrated than gold ions found in the soil from long-time buried gold. You could pour this solution into a small plastic bucket of soil and place this bucket into a hole in the ground so the top of the soil was flush with the surrounding ground. Then try your long range gold locator and see if it can locate the strong gold solution.

Whether you use cyanide solution or aqua regia solution, you can create the target conditions to test any LRL that has claims to locate dissolved gold ions. Maybe a small bottle of this dissolved gold solution would be handy to take to the local LRL shop to see if the LRL can find the hidden bottle of gold ions. If you hid a bottle of 1 part per million gold solution in the LRL shop, then asked to see the LRL work, you would quickly find out if it can locate dissolved gold ions.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-14-2007, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Max View Post
Hi Geo,
I know your intentions are just educational !

That you'll like see with your eyes the circuit and then evaluate if could work or not, maybe build it and test!

I think that people that post here stuff with low resolution or masking parts etc don't want really post anything good or giving any good info.

I think they need that stuff to make people think they know "secrets" about LRL working... that they don't want / can't make public domain.

Like in the poker play the bluffing could be productive if at the end people think that secrets exist and they know that secrets for real. They'll push this or that brand of LRL, without giving any proof or fact and can't be linked to the business cause they claim no-connection with those manifacturers.

I think that the "Pointronic 98" case here is just another example of this strategy. As you can see nobody answer with the full schematic... but just to make other claims and assumptions.

Kind regards,
Hi Max . You know me...... Esteban knows me. I know you, Now where is the problem ????
I do not want to become indirectly advertiser of no one product or what they is Pointronic98 or DCH 85 or Mineoro or any other. This is the reason where I do not participate enough in this forum (even if I like).
Recommending it examined enough what Esteban says because i am sure something serious is hidden behind his said.
Best Regards
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Old 08-13-2007, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by esteban
All us can wind a round of poker without showing all the cards. Credit? Who qualify here if I or another person have or not credit? Where is the measurement scale of credit?
The measurement scale in the LRL forum is credibility. This means if you can supply some facts that people believe, then you will have credibility. Most people will know the difference from facts and stories told with no proof.

For a long time we heard people talking that there is no ions in the ground from gold. I showed proof, and now I don't hear anybody talking stories of no gold ions any longer. This is a demonstration of how the power of facts is stronger than BS.

For people who have LRL that works to find treasure, there is no reason to show these LRL in this forum. For people who have a working LRL, you are smart to never tell your story, because it is better to use your LRL for recovering treasure, not to give to people who laugh at you.

Nobody has proved that any LRL pistol can find gold in this forum. Also nobody has proved that any LRL pistol cannot find gold in this forum. So the answer is nobody proved nothing about what LRLs can find.

The only fact we know about LRL is nobody on earth will make a demonstration in front of live witnesses to show what the LRL can find. Because of this fact, I do not spend my money to buy any LRL. I only look for facts that can be proved about LRLs.

Best wishes,
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Old 08-13-2007, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
For a long time we heard people talking that there is no ions in the ground from gold. I showed proof, and now I don't hear anybody talking stories of no gold ions any longer. This is a demonstration of how the power of facts is stronger than BS
I think you took this statement somewhat literally.
Of course gold ions do exist. They are basically gold atoms with either an excess or a deficit of electrons. What was in doubt was this sort of nonsense -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJI5cvAKug where a Mineoro LRL is "demonstrated" finding a single coin from an unbelievable distance.
The information you have uncovered regarding gold ions in the soil relates to gold mining, and the ability of certain microbes in specific conditions to excrete traces of gold in an ionic state. This is a far cry from the YouTube video claims. I still stand by my previous conviction that you can bury a gold coin for a million years and still not be able to detect any gold ions.
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Old 08-13-2007, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
I think you took this statement somewhat literally.
Of course gold ions do exist. They are basically gold atoms with either an excess or a deficit of electrons. What was in doubt was this sort of nonsense -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EJI5cvAKug where a Mineoro LRL is "demonstrated" finding a single coin from an unbelievable distance.
The information you have uncovered regarding gold ions in the soil relates to gold mining, and the ability of certain microbes in specific conditions to excrete traces of gold in an ionic state. This is a far cry from the YouTube video claims. I still stand by my previous conviction that you can bury a gold coin for a million years and still not be able to detect any gold ions.
It is literally correct that a vertical column of trace amount of gold ions exists beginning from the location of long time buried gold and continuing to the surface of the soil, just as Mineoro says. Mineoro's claim that trace amounts of gold ions will migrate from long time buried gold to the surface through the soil is confirmed as true by researchers who measured the gold ions following this pattern. What is not correct is these same gold ions continue up 7.2 feet into the air. Researchers have discovered these gold ions become bound with neighboring chemicals in the soil when they reach surface, and do not move into the air.

Also, Mineoro has never demonstrated their locators finding any gold in front of witnesses except in the yard behind their factory. Maybe it is a good idea to see a demonstration of Mineoro FG model detectors finding fresh gold in front of live witnesses today in some location different than the back yard of Mineoro factory.

The final fact is that nobody on earth will demonstrate any LRL locating treasure in front of witnesses. It does not matter what is the science of ions or electrostatic fields. What matters is what tools you can use to locate treasures. And today, there is nobody on earth who will demonstrate any LRL finding treasure in front of you from a long distance.

Best wishes,
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