There are a few locators that don't require a swiveling L-rod. They are expensive and haven't heard any good reports. I have an electronic receiver I hooked up to on LRLMANM EFNMR2015 and it seems to work but I haven't found anything yet. Been plagued with skin cancer and had over 60 surgeries in the past three years alone. I got a rare cancer they couldn't get rid of it, but hopefully this third surgery will be the last. I know, wishful thinking. Actually I have not had this latest configuration on in the field yet so I don't know for sure. And there is something about detecting a signal line with L-rods, it just makes this physical connection with the target field. I'm pretty much healed up right now--no open wounds--but I have developed PTSD afer uncountable number of procedures the doctors have performed on me. Over one-thousand hits with the liquid nitrogen alone. Probably over one-hundred surgeries and scrapings (they use a razor blade ans shave it off down to the raw skin. I've had the most terrible red-light treatments, and several skin peels where they use a chemotherapy cream for a month. All these treatments and they mostly make things worse, not better. Now they want more treatments and radiation. I've already had 80 radiation treatments and I wonder how long before that catches up to me. Other than that, I'm fine except for bad joints and a feeble mind. LOL I'm okay and I ain't giving up.