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Old 11-04-2024, 01:01 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

There are a few locators that don't require a swiveling L-rod. They are expensive and haven't heard any good reports. I have an electronic receiver I hooked up to on LRLMANM EFNMR2015 and it seems to work but I haven't found anything yet. Been plagued with skin cancer and had over 60 surgeries in the past three years alone. I got a rare cancer they couldn't get rid of it, but hopefully this third surgery will be the last. I know, wishful thinking. Actually I have not had this latest configuration on in the field yet so I don't know for sure. And there is something about detecting a signal line with L-rods, it just makes this physical connection with the target field. I'm pretty much healed up right now--no open wounds--but I have developed PTSD afer uncountable number of procedures the doctors have performed on me. Over one-thousand hits with the liquid nitrogen alone. Probably over one-hundred surgeries and scrapings (they use a razor blade ans shave it off down to the raw skin. I've had the most terrible red-light treatments, and several skin peels where they use a chemotherapy cream for a month. All these treatments and they mostly make things worse, not better. Now they want more treatments and radiation. I've already had 80 radiation treatments and I wonder how long before that catches up to me. Other than that, I'm fine except for bad joints and a feeble mind. LOL I'm okay and I ain't giving up.
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Old 11-04-2024, 03:34 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

When I say physical connection, I mean being right there at the target vs. the electronic receiver which more from a distance. L-rods have NEVER been easy for me. It's one thing to find a planted/hidden target in your yard, but out in the field the "yard" is many square km. Not so easy all-of-a-sudden. My very limited time with an electronic receiver out in the field is similar results--it's not like shooting ducks in a barrel. But on the other side, there can be less distrubance from trash or electronic devices (which mostly are not much of a concern...until it happens to you. LOL) BTW, I suspect most people are just not sensitive enough to use L-rods. It's really nothing to do with arm muscle strength as long as you can hold up the rods, but people with stronger ams usually can hold the rods more stable without much effort. So yes, it is nice to be able to hold the rods very stable without the "white knuckle" death grip. Years ago I recall someone saying "like holding a bird in your hands".
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