Thread: mineoro fg/90
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Old 08-30-2009, 10:40 AM
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hung hung is offline
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As Esteban stated, long time buried metal phenomenon is and has always been real. That's unquestionable and does not need further coments.

Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
In this LRL videos everybody can see how dificult is the PD calibration until we get the correct point when he start detecting the small targets.
Yes. I know.
It helps if a multiturn pot is used.

Not knowing how exactly this test was conducted in terms ot time intervals to allow ionic fields recovering and assuming you have also taken the time to calibrate the PDC210 and DC2006 (in edge of tuning), then you should have got the same results. Probably the PDC from a closer distance. If you could show a video on how the PDC was calibrated, this would solve my doubts.

I'm also sure that the DC2008 also set for max sensitivity is capable of detecting your medal from the same or even larger distance than the PD. Actually in a previous post, you had claimed your DC was not detecting it.

I congratulate Geo as he appears to be one of the hundreds of fine dowsers of the world.
I wish I could have the same results for a pair of L rods I do quick and strong with the RT Examiner.
Although I have stated, it's not dowsing per se.
"Should exist injustice and untruths towards working LRLs, I'll show up to debunker the big mouths"
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