Originally Posted by Max
yes I meant autarky, wrote as "autarchy" that means both autarky and autocracy... or maybe I wrote it wrong ???
Anyway... the meaning is like you described... and also about a self-referential set of rules that US made... and others must follow... otherwise... BOMBS! 
Hi Max,
An autocracy is a form of government in which the political power is held by a single, self-appointed ruler. The USA does not have this kind of government. The most powerful ruler is the president, who is elected by a poll of the citizens. An autocracy would be more similar to a dictatorship like we find in Cuba and some other countries.
In the USA, the political power is held by many people, including the members of congress, who are elected by each of the 50 states, and by the senators who also represent each of the 50 states. The president is not free to enact any policy he wants without some form of approvals from the senators and congressmen. There are actually many other powerful political influences that determine the USA policies. While the president has the most power, he is not free to make policies as he pleases without the consent of the other political forces that surround him. So you can see the USA is not an autocracy, but it is in some ways it is an autarky, being self-sufficient for defense and in most economic scenarios.
Originally Posted by Max
Ok, ok... maybe I made too much humor on very serious issues here...
but I still think that we live in a world made of infomations and news today... so I can only see as strange stuff the about complete blindness of US citizens to what happens in the world today... at least that's true for big part of US population.
You're in the US... so you know better than me how things go there... then right... maybe people are too busy with work/career and rise family than watching BBC or whatever... sure, I agree with that... and happens also in other countries...
But I imagine average US citizens, following your description, as completely blind about how really things are out of USA.
Yes, this is what I observed. Most Americans are blind to the opinions of world events in places outside the USA. The only see the USA news, and see no other versions, so they think they know all the facts.
Originally Posted by Max
Now... suppose a young man enlist for the Army... to go in Iraq/Afghanistan or other interesting hot place today... cause read national newspapers and/or watch Fox.... and similar things. ...What I wanna say is that is so stupid for e.g. a US citizen enlist in that ignorance about world affairs... but seems still many do... expecially where there's lack of work and much recession...
I don't think it is stupid. These people are ignorant, not stupid. The average American does not know there is a different opinion or other news stories that he does not see. It is the same as if you were deprived of seeing all modern technology, and you only had access to old circuits from the 1950s with tubes. This would not mean you are stupid for using old technology, but only that you are ignorant of transistors and ICs that other people use who see the technology that you cannot see.
Originally Posted by Max
...I think also their families must pay more attention to "other points of view" instead of thinking just at career and excursions in spare time... than after crying on a coffin.
Also cause recruiting is performed much in poor places... and related to about-ignorant guys!
I don't know of any recruiter at e.g. beverly hills... but I'm not in the US so can't say for sure.
Cause... I think also, one of the top-secrets of US news are pictures like below... death soldiers that return home in plastic bags.
I mean... if one knows and accept the risks ok... no problems.
I mean... sometimes is better less autarky and point the dish to european satellites... than watching some local news worth nothing apart local baseball scores...
You are correct, there is no military recruiter in Beverly Hills. You must travel several miles away before you find the first recruiter (see map below for military recruiters). Americans know that the purpose of war is to fight and break things. They know that people die in wars, maybe even themselves. They know these are the risks of participating in a war. What they don't know is some other points of view held by large groups of people who don't think a war is necessary. They have no reason to look for these points of view because they do not know they exist. There will not be an urgent searching for other points of view, because the average American does not know there is another point of view to look for. He only knows what he sees on his CNN and local news. He knows who are the good guys and bad guys because the news reporters from CNN tell him.
I agree, it would be good for Americans and people from other countries to see more news broadcasts that don't originate in their own country. But do you think this will begin to change in your lifetime? If you have a chance to visit the USA, make a point to notice the habits of the average American when they are watching the news. You will see it is the same as in many countries. They listen mostly to the main broadcasts that originate in their own country, and like to see the local sports news and weather forecasts. They generally believe they are hearing all the news, even if they don't know there are other versions of the news being broadcast from other places. There are a smaller percentage of USA citizens who do listen to BBC and many other foreign news broadcasts regularly. But these are a small minority from the average.
Best wishes,