"In the USA most average Americans only speak English, and will only hear the USA news broadcasts. "
sure it is, but it's not a real and important reason today.
I mean, they could watch BBC world, they could watch Al Jazeera international (english), they could see a number of international (english) reports/services (think e.g. at RussiaToday... a sat tv that make news etc ONLY in english!).
The problem with that english only understanding is now back... one must just have a sat receiver and a dish... or simply a computer and Internet and watch whatever he want in english, everywhere...
And even in places like China or Iran... no problems for "skilled" people...

In US not even a problem... everything you can do... about... even buy a war-rifle at supermarket!
Ok... laws there are too... and limitations on some things... but cannot compare with e.g. Europe... where e.g. weapons control and selling is really strictly limited.
In USA the problem is that people have kinda of "autarchy culture" ...so they think simply don't need watching from a "different point of view".
Indeed that's the idea behind Al Jazeera international and other stuff... but seems not much US citizens watch it!
Autarchy... USA suffers from that disease.... I think. In everything.
Thats' my point of view , of course.
Then what to expect from autarchy system ? Autarchy e.g. press and newspapers or TV ?
I tell you... watch Fox and you'll see... just USA-centric presentation of world affairs and news... not even a different "point of view" there.
That's why I don't watch much Fox... I know already what they made without watching!
But, let me say that other countries is about the same... with very few exceptions... like northern europe TVs/news/press ... evn in UK there's a fairly clear way of doing about "interesting" stuff...
Don't you remember "how" some western tv channels spread images of gen. Colin Powell play with a glass vial at UN ... talking of Saddam's secret weapons... ???
And BBC what spreaded by its channels ??? Who remember that ???
Then what ?
Nothing... press/news are striclty controlled in most of the world... and "free" people/journalists are often killed in an elevator...
That's reality.
Kind regards,