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Old 08-21-2009, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by peroon View Post as killed many inocent people here. usa politics couldnt fight directly to our army but bombed hospitals, civil marks and killed mostly civilians and destroyed mostly civil targets. Later they proclaimed colateral damage!!! In same manner usama bin fuc.k.i.n.g ladden could claim wt towers as colateral damage. I hate usama bin fuc.k.i.n.g ladden
Be carefull: why do you hate bin Laden? do you know him? everything you know from him come from the medias.
People need to hate someone with a face, a evil individual wich is against US- if you say them them it´s a whole continent -or more- that will ruin their moral.
Are you sure americans bombed everything you see bombed ? Often they make lots of mistakes but sometimes people use this as propaganda.
You will make a lot more damage bombing your own hospital than using 1000 bombs agains soldiers.
I don´t say it has been done, nor that Bin laden is a nice guy, just the we need to open our eyes. everything is possible.And history show us how men can be cruel to suit their interests.

Originally Posted by J_Player View Post
I could be wrong about all this, but this is how it looks to me from inside the USA after going outside for some extended stays.
Best wishes,
I think everyone should travel for a while when young-as a duty.World would probably be much more peacefull after 1 generation.
The fact that the US has no many borders and is geographically isolated probably helps making the situation you depicted-and the government to keep it like this.
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