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Old 08-21-2009, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by peroon
...That's way is very important ordinary people from usa to stand up and fight against simillar appearances! Not to fight arround the world - but first to clean garbage in their own house.
Larger the house - more garbage to clean! A lot of job is waiting.
J Player i thank you for such good elaborated text. I agree 100%.
The large percentage of ordinary American people have no reason to stand up and fight. They do not know the news they hear is not a true account of the facts. The average American person believes he is seeing the true news, because he does not see other viewpoints from other places in the world. So they do not see the appearance of any garbage to clean up in the news.

But this does not happen only in the USA. You will see the news service for many countries contains some degree of propaganda and editing to support the politics of these other countries. It has been my experience that people think the same way all over the world. If people in China, or Russia, or Italy, or any other country were to hear only broadcasts that were had editorial propaganda, then they would also believe what they are hearing is correct. But in Europe this is not easily done, because Europeans speak several languages, and can hear broadcasts from many countries to get a good picture of what are the real facts. In the USA most average Americans only speak English, and will only hear the USA news broadcasts. For this reason, it is much easier to accomplish the task of adding propaganda to the news in the USA. And people seldom suspect anything is wrong, because there is no "different version" news to compare to the news they hear. So if I am correct, It is highly unlikely that there will be any citizen's uprising in the USA designed to remove propaganda from the news. And I doubt any small group of protesters would have any chance in changing the USA news service policies.

The result of this propaganda is most Americans believe the wars that happened were necessary to stop very dangerous threats to the world or to USA. This is what they see on the television, and what they believe. They have no reason to put a stop to fighting these wars against these perceived threats to the world. They want to help remove these threats, and they know the way to do this is to support their government's position. So the average American citizen is not stupid, but just uninformed. Actually, they may be less smart on average than the rest of the world because they spend a lot of time getting their opinions from watching televisions, which prevents them from thinking on their own.

I could be wrong about all this, but this is how it looks to me from inside the USA after going outside for some extended stays.

Best wishes,
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