Thread: mineoro fg/90
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Old 08-19-2009, 10:20 AM
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Qiaozhi Qiaozhi is offline
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Originally Posted by peroon View Post
"Mineoro phenomenon" is spreading arround the globe! Even people from small and tiny Macedonia realized huge potential of "Mineoro phenomenon" in conjuction with huge human stupidity and greed for fast and easy fortune!
This is so huge nonsence - i really can not imagine such idiot and imbecille who will be ready to waste such money on such rubbish! Are those kind of idiots exist? Is it possible?
I would not be suprised to hear that, actually, poor Zahori is packed in that funny, stupid and pretty ugly box and sold by those lunatic prices!?!?
Mineoro is master of garbage, but also initiator of huge herd of simillar lower or higer profille mountebanks arround the world! But this one is champion of stupidity - no competition at all!
Unfortunately they do exist!
As they say - "A fool and his money are soon parted".
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