Originally Posted by Esteban
I see in the pic a man with some skill... Maybe you need some skill in LRL matter. 
modern pirates... do have skills!
Why worring about getting LRLs skills ???
I have very nice MDs... found good stuff already... and I'm satisfied of many things I found in last years of the hobby.
If LRLs work for real... I don't know for sure 100%... but have big dubts detecting a coin at e.g. 2 meters or more is really possible by electronic device.
What I know is that I made attempts to follow your ideas and also replicate the PD ... but always with NO success... so... to me facts are more important than claims... and experiences tell me LRLs , at least as I saw showed from you, simple electronics I mean, don't work as claimed.
I dubt it was my "lack" of skills that make me fail in that... but most probably is that devices simply don't work... as described.
Or have I to consider some random beep as a proof the LRL works ?
Kind regards,