Originally Posted by Esteban
You can use ideas here, not for to detect the arcing.
uhm... I'm trying to figure out what do you mean about that "ideas".
Ok... the circuit/project you posted a link is an ultrasonic receiver, very directive also cause of mechanical contruction.
Then we need an ultrasonic emission , right ???
So, by logic the target MUST emit that ultrasonics waves or be excited to emit ultrasonic waves.
Now... I don't know of any e.g. gold coin emitting ultrasounds... by itself!
So , always by logic only, you're saying that you excite the target , somehow... to e.g. emit or reflect some ultrasonics wave.
Now... always following that logic there are two main streams that could fit your assumption:
1. you excite the target with ultrasonic waves it will reflect back maybe modified in e.g. frequency or similar stuff
2. you excite the target with something that aren't ultrasonic waves... so who knows what ? maybe RF or something else... then you get BACK ultrasonic waves.
So... what do you like ? 1 or 2 ?
Kind regards,