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Old 04-09-2009, 04:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Esteban
I have many photos with trips in USA in 1981 and 1983. There are 1,000 witnesses in this period, include Garrett and sons and the etc. of the factory.

In limit of factory was found a clock of sheriff Pat Garrett... (what coincidence!) with pistol detector at eyes of the Garretts... The common detector don't can detect it regarding the depth.

The clock has a legend like this: "The town of... to Pat Garrett... 1910".

Of course, ALL target planted in Garrett factory for tests (noble metals) was fixed EXACTLY with the pistol.

You can negate, but can't investigate? Eh? Ease way?
Hi Esteban,
We always hear your talk about great performance of this detector. But nobody on earth can see this detector working in front of our eyes today. Why?

Is this only a story of 1000 witnesses, or can we also see the same detector working in front of us today?
If this detector worked a long time ago, then why does it not work today? Is this all a lie? Or is it real?

Can you show this detector working today to find long distance treasures so we can see it working?
Or will we only hear your stories of long-time buried grandeur from now to eternity?

Best wishes,
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