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Old 01-11-2009, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Eugene52 View Post
Geo , The hundreds of turns of copper enamel wire is to give more gain for the small telescoping antenna ?? , and is it somewhere in the KHZ range , Ground waves maybe ?? Does it Transmit a signal , or does it just recieve ? Please let us know more !! And have a Great Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!...............Regards..........Eugene 52
Hi Eugene.
Reasons are two. First as you say....... and second bacause this coil has very good directionality.
It can work with a small coil as chock but not so good sensitivity.
Also if i will use a normal smaller coil with a ferrite as radio coils then i have problems with the earth magnetic field (south-north).
It use transmit and receive.
Thanks for your wishes
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