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Old 10-21-2008, 05:53 PM
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putrechigi putrechigi is offline
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Originally Posted by New Master View Post
Hi Morgan,

Any target , coin, ring, or any deposite who has his our MNR ( molecular nuclear resonance) frequency between 4 Khz and 10 Khz the device can locate it on distance of 250 meters.

The searech is circular, equal in every directions , that means 360 *.That is nearly 800m sqr.

Any target who has MNR in the given range the device can locate it no meter if is buried long ago or now. The biger problem is to locate old target made from bronza like roman figures or coins. After a longer period (2000 years) allthaugh the have in there selfs Cu , they lose there conductivity, and that makes the search dificult.

This performances are all put on the device whit wich we wont to participate on this challenge.

The better model than this has a range 2.5 Km distance to the target .

So , the distance is not a problem , becouse our devices DONT HAVE HARMONICS
( Mr. Dell Winters knows what i'm talking about.) :
- there is only one clear signal line...
- NO MORE hot roks...

More infomations will be given soon on our website.

someone knows the website thanks

best reguards
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