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Old 09-13-2008, 08:56 AM
Steve in MS Steve in MS is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Steve, those are legitimate questions, but as you can see this a hecklers forum for closed minded idiots to exercise their prejudice mentality. Serious discussions of LRL are not allowed to progress. It is a waste of my time to try to answer questions here. Sorry, this is the wrong atmosphere to have serious discussions.

I participate here when I have time, because it is a wonderment to me to see grown, formally educated men, pretending to be Scientific, and go into such rages of childish rants when their ego's are threatened by someone of far less formal educational background. I do find some of the postings on Carl's, forum amusing. Dell
Hmmm, I can't agree with your reply here, who cares about whether there are skeptics here or not. I thought those were straight-forward questions,
seems to me LRLs are too esoteric in nature.
Even you stated
"don't believe anything you hear, or read and only half of what you see"
that would make you a skeptic on a lot of issues, I suppose.
LRLs are advertised to be a mechanical and/or electronic device to locate treasure when there is from what you and other dowsers here state more to it than that, something metaphysical in nature which if one thinks about it critically, that is a very strange arrangement.
Even if one person could use it successfully, many others would not be successful, simply because once again, they are dependent on metaphysics.
My conclusion is these devices cannot ever be in the mainstream, such as VLFs and PIs nor should they ever be advertised without the customer's knowledge of the paranormal aspect of them.
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