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Old 09-12-2008, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
I've tried to share information here in the past, Knowledgeable people like Hung, have tried to share their experience, Estaban has tried very hard to share information, and experience, Michael, has tried to share his LRL experience. Mike, is trying to share his knowledge & experience with both Dowsing & LRL, and there are others that gave up quickly.
Except Esteban,i have seen no one here to really share anything, just claiming this and that,( usually amazings things), but not the smallest part of an evidence ,not even the attempt to give one.
Why none of them have done that? How to you expect somebody believing others claims just like that?
How do this sounds to you :
"hey, i have built a machine,(a few leds and pots),if you are mentally prepared you can see people in the street naked.By adjusting this pot you can tune it to work only with women (for men on request).Only a few hundreds of dollars,if it doesn´t work with you it´s your fault,full stomach, iron blood or skeptical mind, but it works, i´m telling you!"
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