It looks like there is some difference in opinion about who is right and who is wrong here. So how can we know who to believe knows what is correct about these contraptions that supposedly find treasure?
Let's consider the sources of information we are hearing. I must ask myself a few questions about the background of these people before deciding who to believe. For example:
Who studied science, math, electronics and engineering for years to become knowledgeable in state of the art technical methods?
Who did not make it into college level education?
Who knows how to determine the difference between fake BS fairy-tale stories and the real deal by using scientific methods?
Who loves fairy-tales, fantastic movies and fiction novels, and tries to make these fairy-tales come true in their own lives?
Who is careful to report actual observations and draw conclusions based on principles of logic without introducing unprovable theories that can't be explained?
Who considers a coincidental event to be proof for a new theory of unknown science that only they can make work... and two or three coincidental events become absolute proof of the new theory, so it is no longer a theory, but a law of the new unknown science, even in the face of millions of contrary events that would prove the new theory false by statistical methods?
Who has collected certificates from highly respected educational institutions that certify they are competent in the latest technology?
Who has collected certificates from highly respected municipal and legal institutions which claim they have defrauded someone or a class of people?
Well, If I can determine the answers to these questions, then maybe I will have a clue of who to believe. 
Best wishes,
JP, I can certainly see your dilemma, and you have my sympathy. If that was the criteria I had to use to make a decision, I would be as confused as you.
With folks using fictitious names, and not providing educational backgrounds, or personal information, (except me) I cannot answer those questions either. But then, I speak honestly from my own field experience, and do not rely on the assumptions and opinions of others as being factual information.
Sorry, I can't help you, but here is a little hint to your problem.