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Old 09-12-2008, 04:04 PM
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Dell Winders Dell Winders is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Haines City, Florida
Posts: 842

Dell, just for the sake of discussion, how big does a piece of silver or gold have to be for one of your LRL's to pick it up?
Also, does it only get a signal on gold or silver if it is on top of the ground or can it be under the ground, and how far under the ground can it pick up an item?
What is the success rate when one uses one of your devices, gets a postive reading in an approximate percentage? I realize your answer to this would vary from person to person, just a rough guestimate will be ok.
How do your devices only pick up gold or silver and not aluminum, copper, iron, tin or underground water streams, water pipes, minerals, etc?
Do your devices give a better response the closer it gets to an object, say,
30 ft, 1 yard and a few inches away?
How much of the success of using one of your devices depend on the metaphysical or the paranormal aspect?
These questions are more or less a curiosity for me and a chance for you to inform us.
Steve, those are legitimate questions, but as you can see this a hecklers forum for closed minded idiots to exercise their prejudice mentality. Serious discussions of LRL are not allowed to progress. It is a waste of my time to try to answer questions here. Sorry, this is the wrong atmosphere to have serious discussions.

I participate here when I have time, because it is a wonderment to me to see grown, formally educated men, pretending to be Scientific, and go into such rages of childish rants when their ego's are threatened by someone of far less formal educational background. I do find some of the postings on Carl's, forum amusing. Dell
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