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Old 09-11-2008, 09:37 PM
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Carl-NC Carl-NC is offline
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Originally Posted by Dell Winders View Post
Let me redirect your attention to the claim that the product is built by Scientist & Engineers. Are you, or are you not, a proponent of Science & Engineering?
Should we accept that claim at face value? Besides, what defines a "scientist"? If it's an "expert in science," then I strongly doubt there are any real scientists involved with this company. But we can also water down the term until it includes a curious 3-year-old.

We seem to agree that Dowsing, is meta-physical.
Why in the world would I agree to that? Science has very thoroughly explained dowsing; it is not "beyond physics" whatsoever.

What about the recognition awards for their company? Are they fake?
I have calls out on this. It appears that several of these "awards" are set up so you nominate yourself, pay an entry fee, then see if you win. From what I can see, H3Tec has never won any of these awards.

But here's the really funny part. When I saw their web site and all those awards, I did not jump to the conclusion that H3Tec had ever won those awards. Why? Because their web site does not claim that they won those awards. The web site simply has pictures of the awards, with no further comment. So the question, Dell, is why did you assume they had won any awards, when they made no such claim?

I bow to your uncanny ability to merely look at a photo and determine that the product is a Dowsing Rod controlled by the operator's mind, rendering the electronics useless.
Yeah, most of this stuff is really really obvious.

Did Carl, ever take Dimasio's, $50,000 challenge with the Mineoro, he bought to prove that the Minero, doesn't work as claimed?
Carl tried several times to contact Mineoro about this, but could never get a response. So he gave up. Kinda like that "$10,000 bet" you once proposed, then refused to discuss. I'm sure, somehow, it's all my fault.

- Carl
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