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Old 03-14-2008, 07:05 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119
Default I owe an apology here

First I want to tell you about what I call cult induction tactics. I was offered a moderator's position on a LRL forum. Only thing was I was to be in the "freak" corner--not allowed to post on the main forum. I turned it down. Over the last few days I made some posts that must have disagreed with the cult philosophy. The cult leader tried to scold me, break me down psychologically, called me crazy, said other people said I was crazy. Well, it backfired on him. I feel like a cult escapee.

Over the years I'm sure I have said many, many offensive remarks about the skeptics. I realize this was wrong and I'm here to try and apologize for the harm I have done. I still don't agree with you, but I know you believe what you believe. I hope the feelings are mutual. You have my word it won't happen again. By the same token, I am not going to make negative remarks against the other side, either. So I hope you all see it in your heart to forgive me. Thanks.
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