02-01-2008, 11:52 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 170
I dont beleive this...?!?!? You actually talking here like that scrapy toy is really working??? Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!!!! 
Again you will get away from offering some real things here, Esteban!?
Ha,ah,ah,ah!!! Just count how many threads here were started in same manner!? How many same stories already we have here!?
Is there any possible END of this???
I dont beleive this!?
It is like one of those funny,low level tv latino soaps!?
Again plain,empty fairy tales, with few funny, nonsenced photos, a bunch of unaprovable claims....and NOTHING else!?
This dont even nerving me any more. This starting to jinks me more and more.
Only one problem here; ther are no new members join in this any more!?
How come?
Only "old very well known" characters here, and nobody new!?
How can you explain this Esteban?
Day by day you are loosing your audience here.
I guess people already used on those stories and doesnt pay any attention any more here. 
Everybody so far saw it is nothing else but mumbble-jumbble stories...
A kind a sorry for you fellas..almost!
Silence is wisdom...