Originally Posted by roberts
Very important thing i forget to say is that i really,really have nothing personally against Hung,Dell,Esteban and few others. I swear on this.
But i do have a lot against most of their claims here, a lot!
Yes - I agree with this. It is the claims that we disagree with, although (quite often) the LRL proponents
do take it as a personal attack. Of course, when someone takes it personally, it usually means they have been caught telling a lie. If I owned an LRL that actually worked, I certainly wouldn't for one minute care what anyone here thought. I'd be too busy finding gold. Even if I was a manufacturer of such a tool, I still wouldn't care, because it's ability to find gold would speak for itself.
Originally Posted by J_Player
I must disagree to some extent.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you saying that we
should encourage this pseudoscientific gobbledygook to be posted here, purely for entertainment purposes? I must admit that most of it is very amusing.