Originally Posted by Roberts
They have more "scientific" approach when dealing with evil. Yet without succes...
So i gave up. My efforts gave me nothing more than certain antagonism from some mebers here with Carl in front of all of them...I lost at the end.
Best way to deal with THE EVIL is to discregard it and PAY NO ATTENTION on it AT ALL.
Originally Posted by Qiaozhi
We must continue in our quest to rid the world of this pseudoscientific nonsense. In fact, there are more skeptics here than proponents, so why should it be hard to disagree with these cr*p advertisements. Most of them are an insult to even an idiot's intelligence.
I must disagree to some extent. Any educated tehcnical person with a normal mind can easily see the folly in these fraudulent pseudoscience claims. For the majority of the readers in this forum, The stupid postings of uneducated non-technical pseudoscientists makes for good entertaining reading. How often have we had a good laugh at the likes of hung, when we discovered he made up fake data to try to make it appear that Carl's tests are wrong, while Myron Evans' crackpot theories are correct? How often have we demonstrated that his Mineoro claims were false and made him back-pedal and eat his words? The average educated reader in this forum is capable of determining the difference between made-up fake data, mythical stories of fake testing, and real scientific testing that can be backed up and demonstrated repeatedly. It is my opinion that there is no threat that the belief in stupid science theories contradicting known and proven electronics and physics will ever destroy the progress that has been made by the brilliant scientists of this century.
The fact is we need some stupid ideas that don't work in order to provide a background to contrast brilliant ideas that do work. This is how we determine what is good and what is bad. By having some half-baked crackpots and their diatribe, we can easily compare the relative value of the technologies that excel. This applies not only to crackpot theories, but to the field testing as well. The physical results are the final proof of the pudding.
The only real danger of what you are calling "evil" is that many readers are not technical people and they may believe the rantings of people who try to make it appear they are surrounded by respected physicists and engineers. These readers cannot be blamed if they are deceived by the technical-sounding facade. If they actually believe these pseudoscientists are giving them workable solutions, many may spend large amounts of money they cannot afford to buy expensive apparatus that will not find treasure for them. How many people have you seen post that their expensive LRL does not work, and they wish they never bought it, and can't get their money back? These are the people who are really hurt by the misinformation propagated by a few individuals who make false claims about these expensive contraptions.
I suspect that for every member who posts a message in this forum, there are maybe 10 non-members reading these posts just to try to learn what works and what does not. These are the people who most need to hear the opinions of the educated electronics and physics scholars who know better than to believe fake testing that never happened, and fake theories that violate the basic laws of physics and electronics.
And this is the reason it is important not to ignore claims that are obviously false, made by people who refuse to back up their claims in a way that can be verified.
Best wishes,
*Not all LRL proponents make false claims about their apparatus. Most have given very honest field reports. There are only a very few who knowingly exaggerate or lie about their LRL experiences, with emphasis on promoting a particular brand of LRL.