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Old 12-13-2007, 11:15 PM
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Morgan Morgan is offline
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Default Direcional Mineoro

Originally Posted by hung View Post
You maybe right no this.
You are this person's friend.
Yes, you were there at Mineoro in december 2005.
You mind if I divulge your country?
If you do, I won't but honestly, there's no problem at all in my opinion.

I just don't understand why you keep all this secret. Maybe you found a big treasure with your DC and don't want to get caught?

By the way you used to own a DC2006, didn't you?

I respect your experience as a metal detectorist, but still hold my opinion you still need more practice with the Mineoros. Your critics towards the detector would only justify if you did not know about the phenomena and the best times to detect. In sum, knowing exactly what you're doing.

Best regards.

It doesnt matter who i am or where i live.
A clever and sucessfull TH should stay like this...
I was in Brazil not in December 2005.
I´m disapointed with my LRL Mineoro ,because i already make enough tests and my conclusion mineoro is an useless device,anyway next week i will try again mineoro devices, in gold mine,the weather its fantastic,the humidity ok,so its just to make shure about i´m rigth and mineoro wrong.We will see if i find some nuggets or not,with Mineoro...
Each device will be tested ,and signals marked.Each LRL will work 3 times in the same place,to make sure not give randomic signals. In the end i will chek all this spots with my SD2200D.We will see if Hung are rigth or wrong about Mineoro performance to find gold...Some years ago i was there and find some nuggets with my PI MD,i´m sure there are much more...

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