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Old 12-10-2007, 10:01 PM
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Morgan Morgan is offline
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Default Alonso pistol LRL

Hello Esteban

Don´t worry about this device from Paraguai(no te preocupes que no va a publicar el esquematico). One of my friends buy this device from Alonso (the inventor)in Paraguai,its more stable than Mineoro. He have this machine not long time ago.Unfortunly until now he find near nothing,Anyway i think it works. Its identic to this one you are using in photo,maybe inside as diferent tecnology from your device...
Today we was searching near an old house and find a lot of jewlry from 19 century(medals,rings,golden bracelet),this house belong to very rich family and we get permition for searching.The machine who find most of targets its this russian prototipe MD and distance for one ring 10m. Alonso device unfortunly find nothing,so my friend find his targets with another device,maybe he don´t know how to use Alonso LRL...
Next weekend we will try Mineoro DC2008,FG80,DC2006,PDC210 and Alonso pistol detector, near gold mine where its easy to find gold nugets with normal MD.Its far away but we go.
I will be very proud to put in this Forum the performance results of this devices...
Esteban,just for curiousity,one of your devices, you put photo of electronic box here,works with the same radio ferrit,you mention FM radio. its very similar to Alonso LRL pistol tecnology,or the same principle used since 1959. So i dont understand why you tell me this radio ferret(coil around magneto) its something you dont know about it.

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