Thread: Treasure found
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Old 10-09-2006, 08:09 PM
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Default Treasure found

Alonso and others walk into the forest for 20 km and detects with many Mineoro models a treasure in a river, very difficult to unearth yet. The distance of the detection was 700 m. The case is this: for to arrive in the site, they walk many kilometers, and at 700 meters of the place of the treasure they obtain the first signal.

Alonso yesterday told me that the PDC 210 detects at more distance than others models as 2007, 2008 or FG. But only models as FG, 2007 and 2008 can centrate well the place of the treasure. The 210 gove no precission but more distance. But regarding accuracy, Alonso told me that models as 2007, 2008 and FG are very more accuracy.

I know, for example, that the models 2007 and 2008 are more immune to discharges and electric power lines. In this kind of contaminated sites, you can't use the 210 or 205 as other modern filtrate models.

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