Thread: Bob Yocum
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Old 09-17-2006, 04:01 PM
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Carl-NC Carl-NC is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Bob posted the following on his web site:

August 9, 2006
Carl, as I pointed out in a recent e-mail to you, I am not going to get on your merry-go-round. We had a demonstration scheduled for your benefit, but you declined for the second time.

I kept my part of the bargain by holding the demonstration and had very successful results proving discrimination, accuracy and tracking ability.
You seem to have a phobia that the rods turn only when the operator moves his hands or fingers to make the rods turn. In my demonstration neither my hands or fingers moved. Yesterday, one of the people present at the demonstration drive in from Silver Springs, NV, to congratulate us on the demonstration of the capabilities of the Omni-Range Master. I asked him if he saw my hands or fingers move during this demonstration. He said, "I was as close to you as anybody and your hands or fingers did not move."

Carl, you never answered my question as to what or who is GeoTech? Secondly, what is your relationship to GeoTech? Thirdly, since there is a metal detector pictured as your (or GeoTech's) logo, what is your connection with the metal detector industry? And fourth, who gave you the authority to run around the country and the internet policing every long-distance mineral locator business?

Bob Yocum
My reply:

Email 9/3/2006


I see from your web page that you are backing out of my challenge, and even blaming me! Furthermore, it appears from your statements that your real objective was only to get me out for your "sales demonstration" which, as I've told you at least twice before, I have absolutely no interest in. I get the clear impression that you only wanted me to see your sales demo, and had no intention of following through on the challenge.

I will maintain my offer of $25,000 plus 10 ounces of gold, if your LRL does what you claim it will do. Since my challenge requires nothing of you but a few hours of your time, your decision to reject my $25,000 offer indicates that your LRL does not do what you claim it does, and that you know this fact as well as I. I will forward this information to the Nevada investigator who is handling your case, as I'm sure he will find it useful in your upcoming hearing.

Should you change your mind again, and decide that you want to follow through on the challenge, I will gladly arrange a visit to Gardnerville. However, my time there will be strictly limited to the challenge, so you need not plan a bunch of other "sales demonstrations" for me.


P.S. -- Regarding your questions, I will gladly answer them:
Carl, you never answered my question as to what or who is GeoTech?
Geotech is a web site.
Secondly, what is your relationship to GeoTech?
I run the Geotech web site.
Thirdly, since there is a metal detector pictured as your (or GeoTech's) logo, what is your connection with the metal detector industry?
None whatsoever.
And fourth, who gave you the authority to run around the country and the internet policing every long-distance mineral locator business?
I wasn't aware I needed any "authority" to expose bogus LRLs. I do it as a service to the treasure hunting community, to help people avoid products that are nothing but blatant rip-offs.
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