Thread: Bob Yocum
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Old 09-17-2006, 03:54 PM
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Carl-NC Carl-NC is offline
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Bob sends me his spin on his demonstrations:

Email 7/28/2006

We had a good demonstrtion on July 22 in spite of the heat. All demonstrations we tried were perfect. The demonstration on discrimination was perfect with the dot-size piece of AU between 2, 25 lb bags of lead. We also placed a larger piece of AU there with the same bags of lead and with the same discrimination. I did add a demo on calibrating by pointing out that the larger piece held the rods pointing to my chest much longer than the speck of gold. We then placed a red emerald between the bags of lead and got the same discrimination.

I forgot to mention that I had a person in the audience pick up the same target placed on the top of the lead after the rods were pointing to my chest and the rods opened immediately in all three trials.

In all demonstrations, I cautioned everybody to watch my hands to see if they moved. Some people were 6 feet away and they reported that my hands did not move at all! (I know you have a phobia on the hands-moving subject).

We did do a tracking demonstration on a 43 lb meteorite; 22 Gr of UR; nitrates; and the red emerald. These specimens were carried around the pavillion by volunteers with 100% success - and with no movement in my hands!

Carl, in view of your heavy schedule, cancellations, and our successful demonstration, I am not interested in you or your $25,000.

Bob Yocum
But this is NOT what eyewitnesses to his "tests" have told me:

Email 7/28/2006


I've heard from two people who were present at your demonstration -- ironically, both are strong LRL proponents -- and both have painted a completely different picture than have you.

They both say it was a disaster, and that in the only test you performed which had even a hint of fairness to it, you completely failed to locate the targets. Essentially, they said your device only seemed to "work" when you knew the identity and location of the target. They also said you seemed to be forcibly manipulating the L-rods, and that others noticed it, too.

I was also forwarded an email in which you told someone that you did not know the first contract I sent you was a draft. I clearly stated that it was a draft in the email, and I clearly asked you provide feedback on the terms of the contract so that I could finalize it. Please don't blame me for your oversight.

I'm beginning to think that your primary goal was simply to get me out to your sales demo, and not to follow through on the challenge. That's one reason why I never ever make travel plans without a signed contract. As I told you twice before, I have no interest whatsoever in rigged demos that even LRL enthusiasts say were bogus.

Please don't let my busy schedule disuade you from following through on taking the challenge. Remember, I am the one who is traveling, at my expense, and I am the one who is putting up the prize money. Since this is costing you nothing at all, and you need not even leave town, I would hope you could allow me some flexibility in scheduling. Also, the test we have agreed on does not require the rental of a pavilion; we can do it in your back yard, or a school yard, or just about anywhere.

Bob, as soon you give the word that we are still on for this, I will nail down a date and buy a plane ticket. I am eager to see if your LRL will work when you are completely deprived of knowing the locations of the targets you seek. But perhaps after the failures at your sales demo, you already know the answer, and wish to withdraw. Please let me know.

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