Carl Moreland Accepts Challenge
12/11/2005 – TreasureNet website
Carl Moreland has accepted the challenge made by Kelly Brown A.K.A. Geo-Global of Colorado. Below is the copy/paste of Carl’s acceptance.
Hoorah Carl! Jim
Normally, my challenge is for dowsing-based LRLs, and I do not offer to travel because there are just too many deluded users of LRLs for me to waste that much money on. I make an exception for LRL manufacturers, who know exactly what they are doing.
This is a little different, in that Mr. Brown apparently is the "manufacturer," even though he doesn't sell the device, so I believe he falls under the "knows exactly what they are doing" category. And, Mike has offered to pay my travel expenses. I just hope it's not limited to Greyhound.
So, heck yeah, I'll accept Kelly's and Mike's offer. However, I will get to chose the property that the gold is hidden on, so I can ensure there are no information leaks. If Kelly finds the gold, in one try, he gets to keep it.
So, how's the weather in Colorado? Do we need to wait til Spring?
As an alternative, you can bring the unit to NC, for a shot at my $25,000, using the standard double-blind test. And, yes, I will waive the "pre-test," though I don't understand the objection to it. It is, by far, the easiest part of the test, because the target is in full view, exactly like in your video. The purpose of the pre-test is to allow you a few practice runs to ensure conditions are correct, and so everyone understands exactly how the real trials are conducted. It does not give me an opportunity to bow out.
So, I have 2 questions... how far can the Treasure Tracker reliably locate a 10-ounce gold bar? And, do magnets affect the receiver unit?
- Carl