Originally Posted by omar
In the end, I extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends Jafal and Al-Hayt29. For the useful information they provided, God made it in the balance of your good deeds -------------- And in the end, I present to my friend Robin and the rest of the friends this gift, which is a partial explanation of the version that uses the radio signal injection to the ground using focused white light by an optical fiber or a collecting lens. And the following picture suffices the explanation -------------- I wish you good luck

Hello, Mr. Omar. I thank you and Jafal and Al-Hayt29 and other friends for your good scientific content. I am building this camera but haven't managed to see the buried metal yet. There are scientific materials that may be necessary to know in order to make a camera, which I will share with you and the friends of the group. In my opinion, any metal buried in the soil creates an anomaly in the earth's magnetic field. The magnetic field lines of this anomaly reach the earth's surface and charged particles are trapped in these lines. The anomaly created by the buried metal has a hologram image of the metal. We cannot capture field lines with a normal camera. But we can see these particles in the infrared range by stimulating and concentrating these charged particles. Therefore, we use the driving coil to collect the particles at the focal point of the lens (similar to standing waves). Also, we use a high frequency rf transmitter to attract, concentrate and move more particles. It seems that some kind of combined modulation may be used to further stimulate the buried metal to vibrate . I wish you success in your work