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Old 01-16-2022, 06:06 PM
Mike(Mont) Mike(Mont) is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,119

He claims experienced dowsers can get better results. I don't know, he throws a lot of terms out there to confuse the buyer. LOL Just by extrapolation I come up with about 1200 turns on the brass tubing. I plan to use an electric drill to wind it and just guess about how many turns per inch. I don't have a clue what frequency he is trying to get for a given magnetic field strength. I come up with about 18 meters for 54000 field strength. Apporximately 18 meter half-wave dipole is for 8.3 MHz. What is that? I sure don't know.

BTW, I had an old Fred Stewart rod had a coil of wire on the rod near the handle.

This thing is probably a big waste of time. LOL
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