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Old 08-31-2021, 09:34 AM
elhit29 elhit29 is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 60

First of all, I gave you facts on the ground (not theories) for already-existing best made cameras.. so it's up to you if you want to take it or not.

I said (vacuumed tube) filled with multiple kinds of gas. And yes the pulse value is 2450Mhz. These are very general facts, yet the detailed manufacturing know-how remains a trade-secret of the inventor, but the facts above are true100%. Even the Sony camera manufacurers don't know it.. The guys that showed videos for the camera in this forum, all of them, without exception, possess false cameras that show objects that are analysed according to whatever his brain imagine seeing!! It is illusionary!! But as for the true genuine camera, everyone will see the same object -No illusion or double opinion- and can even read the letters or drawings carved or printed on it!! This is a fact.
Originally Posted by Rubin View Post
I always write with a logical conclusion.
You say, "The best versions of them use vacuum cleaner tubes that contain a lot of gas."
Even if it is right.
How could those who made it make a vacuum cleaner tube and contain gas?
Today we talk about it, it is relatively easy, a few years ago it was difficult, so logic says that this method is not used but a simple tube as a darkroom.
You say for frequency> 2450MHz
Let's talk about the year 2015.
There were few manufacturers that offered portable generators at these frequencies.
Even today, every amateur needs a serious lab to build a generator at GHZ frequencies.
Of course today things are easy, but the first cameras started before the year 2010.
So logic says that if high frequency is used it is <1GHZ that any serious electronic engineer can create and experiment with it, always before the year 2010
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