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Old 06-05-2021, 03:33 PM
Asteris Asteris is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike(Mont) View Post
A guy I conversed with said he had access to/was using the Mega Scan but he said the Ajax are made by the same people, similar design. This guy was looking for another device--anything. I've used enough devices with the swivel handle/antenna and I can assure you it takes a very long time to learn. More of it has to do with learning to quiet the mind.
Thank you Mike for the answer, now for the machine I understand that one has to be capable and able to learn it, but the question is not whether one is capable of learning and working it, but whether Ajax Alpha Detect is a machine that works and really locates, even if it takes you close to gold? now if some can not find out it is not the fault of the machine, and in the fighter pilot school 100 people enter but only about 30 become fighter pilots and the others are cut because they do not succeed.
So the big question is whether Ajax Alpha Detect finds the target in those who can learn to work it or not?
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