Originally Posted by Dubulumach
Hello behnamvp
120KHz is correct freq.for Alonso PD.
If you havent seen it doesnt matter its no exist difference. There exist a big difference in near field configuration. In addition of magnetic component of Tx from the ferrite passive receiver there are involved complex configuration of superpimposed Mag. and Elec. fields.
Dont look at Wiki as releable source of info. Its MSM controlled internet media. They write what they want.
Spark gap transmitter is a Tesla discovery. Its HV device where many factors were involved in one short time frame.
1.5V battery is low power, low voltage sourc of extremelly weak mag.field. Its preliminary test for your build. Real test need to be done at your personal test poligon on a real targets. We have deal with EPR of gold, silver and other metalls.
No move ferrite above the coil but center it at bottom line of turned for 180 deg. omega. Correct distance between omega and ferrite should be found experimentally.
For playing with pulses and lenght of wire as function of waveguide only reliable method is TDR or time domain reflectometry. You need very quality DSO and low capacitance probes aslo HV type for playing with this kind of circuit.
thank you sir. thank you
i will follow your advice and try to experiment and study more
appreciation for help
how do you describe and interpret andreas christi Pd?
as we all saw, his PD can detect fresh-gold from remote
also his PD is based on alonso-PD
when talking about alonso-PD, we consider phenomenon but, for fresh-gold target
which is on the ground and detectable from far, there is no phenomenon
how do you explain it?
how andreas christi-PD can detect fresh gold from far while it is alonso based PD
thank you