Thanks for the Info, Mike.
These AM-detectors who count the single Hertz frequency shift can make similar noises.
I don't have the exact name in mind at the moment.
Such a "LRL" demonstration can also made up with a micro-wave receiver and a
hidden transmitter (WiFi) somewhere. Because it is the same as with Satellite-receivers -
this can be made highly directional and horizontal-vertical nulls complete after turning 90 degrees.
The main problem with the story in Reinhold Ostler's book is that it turns from "perhaps trustworthy"
to complete insane !!!
Later they have modified the detector and Mr. Berner - this criminal subject - claimed by phone
when he didn't come back as promised, that he sold this detector to the WORLD-BANK,
because now it detects also Diamonds, Oil and the range was improved to 10 KILOMETERS !
We have this also in this forum where some LRL-maniacs claim that their detector will find Diamonds
from very far away - by some secret resonance-frequency or other crap!
What these idiots are doing if some formerly bonfire with rests of coals is around?!
Ostler claimed that he published this LRL-story so his readers might help him to solve the riddle.
I don't know if he had any success...
But first he was very frustrated because Berner "robbed" and betrayed him !!!
Remember this location at the Steinriegel, Walchensee?
This was at the beginning of the whole deal - 50:50 !!!
Ostler leaded Berner to that Nazi-Gold location and then in the book is written,
that after 10 minutes of walking around the steep woods, they received a huge signal.
The LRL "told" that the hoard consists of 12kg Gold and 8kg Silver !!!
Now comes the crazy turn: Ostler wrote that there where just too many wanderers
so they could not start digging directly. So they postponed this - completely stupid !!!
Around 1-2 months later - after Ostler leaded Berner to some other Nazi-Gold locations
where the device found nothing ( very interesting !!! ) - they even wanted to visit
Rennes Le Chateau - when Berner spoke this insane crap by the Phone - Ostler was
very afraid that Berner has "plundered" the Nazi-Gold without him which was the case!
There was a 1,5 METER deep hole at that Steinriegel location - empty as a rats-hole !!!
It all started with the first personal visit of Berner in Bavaria in 2004 when he
demonstrated the device and Ostler was completely convinced that it worked,
but he wrote in the book that Berner avoided any answers about technical
details how it works and Ostler did not believe at all that crazy story with the
Romanian Uranium detector. Berner did not came as a single person but has his
"inventor" and perhaps 1-2 other persons with him. This first meeting also
resulted directly in visiting and "successful" search at the Steinriegel which is
just around 50km away from where Mr. Ostler lived (near Ammersee).
After this "Episode 1" Berner drove home with his car and Entourage to Switzerland
claiming he will come back 2 weeks later. Which he did !!!
Meanwhile the LRL was already massively improved - while eating at a restaurant
Berner said: "We have now 1000 meter detection range !!!"
This was then the weekend when they drove to other Nazi-Gold locations where
nothing was found.
[I wonder why they didn't drive "DIRECTLY" back to the Steinriegel - perhaps still
too many wanderers ??? And why Ostler didn't drove there and installed a camera
or whatever. We are taking here about 12KG GOLD and 8KG SILVER. Nobody can
be so stupid to abandon such a detected treasure for a longer time !!!
So for me it is also not clear when Berner digged it out by itself and his lousy helpers!
At this second weekend he was busy all the time together with Ostler but perhaps this
was already part of his cunning plan !!! Keeping Ostler busy and distracted with
travelling around while his minions was digging out the Steinriegel GOLD and SILVER.
[If we wanna believe the whole story, but Ostler had some reputation to protect and
later for sure many people would talked with him was he had written there in the book.
Not to forget that at that time Ostler was the most famous treausure-hunter of whole
Germany and his daughter still is very proud of him]
Anyway - after this Episode 2 trip to "not working" other locations, Berner drove home
again - but he came back 3 weeks later - which then was his last time.
At this 2nd weekend also many phone-calls from Berners wife were happening,
who wanted every few hours to know if they have found now finally the treasure.
Ostler had the impression that Berner really needed money to save his firm.
I guess this was just camouflage so Berner looks innocent - on the other hand I don't
know if Berner told his wife that they have found the Steinriegel Gold, but still weren't
able to recover it. Very suspicious!
This "liason" Ostler and Berner took 5 weeks in total. I have no idea if Ostler drove at
that time to the Walchensee at all to control if the treasure is still there. Ostler knew
about the exact location after the LRL-detection, otherwise he wouldn't have found
later the freshly and professional "built" 1,5m hole from which he wrote in the book.
Berner is clearly a criminal because nobody else could know about this GOLD-location.
And Ostler would not have dared to lift the Nazi-Gold by his self, because he signed
this deal which Berner holded in his hands! And this Berner had a lot of money and
"pressure" on his side. So far everything was a good working cooperation anyway.
Berner also didn't accuse Ostler later on the phone that he robbed the treasure but
told crazy crap about selling the LRL for Millions of bucks to the World-Bank.
The exact translation:
"I will not come anymore - I sold it to the World Bank and what I told you now was
already too much!"
Afterwards when Ostler tried to contact Berner his lawyers treatened him - he might
never ever try to contact Berner again or it would have consequences.
Ostler was pretty stupid - I would have contacted directly the major of the
town where Berner lives and told him the whole story and that the Gold was gone!
It was a 50:50 deal and if Berner thinks he needs 100% then he can have it,
but very very special - perhaps even 100% of no more anything at ALL !!!
This whole complex of the story looks very fishy !!! These guys can't sit quiet on
their *sses as long as they haven't digged their LRL-find out but they are doing
5 weeks long something else and driving around !!!
This Episode 3 also is absurd because meanwhile the LRL had a range of 3 KM !!!
and had a Scan-Function which immediately could check out if at a radius of 6 KM !!!
the selected amount of noble-metal was available !!! And that it now can detect
Diamonds and Oil !!! Hahaha - of course!
But Ostler wrote, that tests proved it that these functions really were working !!!
He was completely convinced - which makes it even harder to understand, because
so far this person was known for rational and clear thinking and he also didn't wrote
any crap inside his book about other detectors !!!
Ostler did not wrote what happened at this 3rd weekend, besides that Berner
demonstrated his "MEGA" improved LRL and that Berner came again with a few
other persons - perhaps they were with Ostler together 5 or 6.
This is very suspicous because after 5 weeks at least both of them would have
visited the Steinriegel again and finally receive their treasure.
Or for how long they wanted to wait with it - until winter time?
At this final meeting they made big plans - again 3 weeks later they wanted to
visit together famous treasure-locations: Rennes Le Chateau, Austrian Alps and
Ex Eastern Germany. But this never happended, because after 3 weeks
there only was this ridiculous and "avoiding" answer on the phone and the
robbed 50% of the find.
Ostler wrote that he couldn't sleep for 2 weeks after the first detection of the Nazi-Gold.
Hahaha - of course not - he was already dreaming of a fabulous life full of LUXURY !!!
Which never happened "thanks" to this dirty LRL-type !!!
No matter if there was a true or fake "detection" - for Ostlers mind the imagined LOSS
of his part of 6KG of Gold and 4KG of Silver was devastating !!!
Its better to find nothing at all than first having the "real" perspective of being rich
and afterwards having nothing !!!
This is also the DIRTY GAME the LRL-scammers are playing - SUGGESTING FANTASTIC RICHES
while the stupid buyers will find nothing !!! This is DEPRESSING and a mental
health insult !!! Thats why we have to fight these liars and betrayers !!! They are just
harming others and stealing their money !!!
The main question remains:
Why Ostler could be so SUPER CONVINCED that this LRL really worked ?!
He for sure was not just a blinded dreamer as many others !!!
Ostler was very skeptical about this "Romanian Uranium Detector" story and DID NOT
believed it but those tests and detection-demonstrations were fully convincing to him.
And at least especially that 1,5 meter (5 feet) deep hole reminded him about his
painful "LRL-detection-loss". Perhaps his mind never became free of this huge loss
which he felt for himself and that was one reason that he died a few years later.
HUGE LOSSES can drive people very fast into depressions and even SUICIDE!
And those who caused them don't care at all, these distgusting "murderers" !!!
Its also the lack of self-confidence which starts then - Reinhold Ostler might have thought:
How could I've been so stupid letting fool me?! I could now have 6kg of Gold and 4kg
of Silver - or even more if I would have done something else.
Another proof: Trust nobody who deals in LRLs - not only selling or claiming they work
which is already almost the same as selling - because it is "marketing" and installing
some platform for the later victims - to convince and seduce them!!
And Reinhold Ostler gave the impression in his book that there exists a real working LRL!
Isn't that hopeful for you - LRL-dreamers here?! *laugh*
But this story ends totally idiotical - Berner sold his device to the World Bank - yeah, of course ....
So guys here, just mail to Washington, DC and ask them how much Gold, Silver, Oil and Diamonds
they have found meanwhile inside of their debts-infested devolpment-countries
with this formerly Uranium-detector !!!
Which of course also is the cause with every other LRL !!! HAHAHA !!!
The World-Bank has bought meanwhile any working LRL detector so the poor countries
can't detect their ground-treasures and became free of debts - this at least was the
conclusion of Ostler he wrote in the book. I don't believe anything at all which this
dirty "Berner" said or did and I hope this criminal and his complices are seeing
the tree roots meanwhile from below! *laugh*
Btw. all these criminal and inflation causing banks are no longer allowed to give "stolen"
credits-money to anyone, anyway !!! Normally money would gain power and value over time
because this is like saving energy for later !!! How they can destroy the value of money ?!
I know why - because many of those who need money never can give it back!
So its better if the debts are no longer that "precious", because the money itself
no longer has any great value at all.
30 years ago you could buy for 1.000 Lire in Italy already just an ice-cream and now
we have all these damned middle-class- and money-destroyers inside of the European Union !!!