Originally Posted by Morgan
nice coin, very artistic portrait,
the IRs need to calibrate very well to not pick other metals than silver or gold, if it too much sensitive it pick broze,iron,lead etc... internal modifications in electronics no need , this model you have already found amazing treasures GOLD/SILVER at big distances.
model IR/UV aura locator , is not my invention, I made only modifications to the original project one friend gave me.
Hello Morgan, I did not reveal that it is from you because I did not have your permission and I will not share the device as well. ir / uv works very well in the area where I live and I think better than I expected because of the weak form of the phenomenon in the area I could describe to you that it works as a metal detector, in a setting when I have signals with the ir uv device had metal detector, and I appreciate that.
another ir / candilia device that a friend has had for a long time does not work as he wanted ... a combination of ir / uv and pdk I expect to see in your tests.