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Old 04-25-2020, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by elhit29 View Post
Good evening,
Thanks for reply.
To start with, I'd like to comment on your reply to one skeptic who said the camera will catch the dirt or soil granules and magnifies it, and you confirmed to him that the camera will pick up the dirt granules first then it will jump to catch whatever is underground, whether be it metal or void.. Yes you are right.. this what happens with my Gamma Ray Camera..
Now I will comment on your reply concerning the time it will take to start seeing the streaming live video .. In my gamma camera, first of all it has nothing to do with pinpointing zero spot of target whether metal or void, and therefore, it depends actually whether you are precisely on top of the void.. For example, two years ago when I didn't have other pinpointing target-locating tools and I will be for example 5 meters- horizontally away from it, then it used usually to take 10-15 minutes for the camera to catch the target, but since six months ago when I learned to pinpoint zero spots of targets by using other tools, hence when I use the camera on the determined zero spots of the man-made void (cave,grave, etc.) of 30 meters deep, it took me only less than 30 seconds to see the void.. which means that I'm precisely on top of the target.. this is why I asked you how much time it took your friend to actually see the streaming video. Again, I'm clarifying issues related to my gamma camera, and not necessarily related to your camera.

Thank you..

Dear Elhit, you are right regarding the time and misdirection of a target or the zero point....

before I start talking about the issues I faced I would like to thank you and say thanks to HUMHUM for being open-minded and ready to share science experience that I think it is so hard to have a good explanation on this phenomena ..

TIME issue..

now as far as I know that there are many reasons behind this real viewing it is somehow related to emissivity, Phonon "sound waves" photon excitation and the source of light that could produce a small amount of radiation due to it,s directional crossing that produces a pattern in a form of circular waves that each time hit a matter and get back to the lens of the camera and back again to the same point it causes one circular Ring this ring excites the molecular structure "he outside shape or the surface of it" then it's radiation becomes much higher than other natural un-dense matter like soil particles and due to the solid mass of man mad made metals the light is in some wah is transferred of it is form from Particles- and waves " as modern science approved the theory of Albert Einstein who said light is either Particules or waves or both"
TO electrical pulses then at the top again it will be retransformed to photons when,,, your camera needs photons to see an image the image sensor reads them and generate electrons of each pixel in CCD the whole frame is translated to electrons but in CMOS each line is done separately,, now what this has to do with TIME delay until you capture an image...? this is, in my opinion, is the propagation that happens with the help of other frequencies nearby, for example, such cell tours microwave transmitted to your search area, satellites and radio frequencies all are responsible to help your camera do this.. but the dealy is as I mentioned rings happened after each 1 to 2 mm depth " attaching an article about rings#1"
the study shows that each ring takes some time so if we calculate 4meters depth that's 4000mm each mm depth needs some a few milliseconds total could reach minutes if your target way down ...

I mentioned Man-made Materials this includes plastic metals glass etc...
but we noted that animals are easy to be seen by this method and tree roots my first experiment I saw a cockroach in whole sharp and clear I said let me check below my camera that could be a little one...but suddenly big Mouse walked behind the Cockroach !!! here I realized that my view was way down "2meters" under the surface because my camera is magnifying things to 200x and mice will never fit in between the lens and the surface at that time my focal distance was 0.9 cm or 9mm only so how the heck would a Mouse fit under the plastic cup of my camera? then I started to note the tree roots an example of a nearby tree was an Olive tree I noted the roots "ONLY" LIKE if I was sitting in a swimming pool and the tree is over the water surface and the roots are extended in the water,,, my images "in my computer recorded by a photo from my cellphone to the monitor that I was using, at that time I didn't use a laptop and USB camera I used CCD camera with infrared 940nm .. so it is clear that we can detect also Limestone easy the whole shape and even we can see them glowing ....

DIRECTION AND ZERO POINT. Unfortunately, till now I couldn't determine the image direction exactly and that due to the hand made LEDs and the hand mad alignment in front of the camera so when I asked a Dr. in Physics he mentioned that we shall align the LEDs by a machine that uses a Prism to make the radiation waves perfectly that helps us not to see things behind or aside, another issue was the image size? The size of an object is not the same as you will see it tomorrow. as we magnify the surface we could never see things near like 1 meter or less ! objects at depth 1 meter or less, I had to step aside like 3 meters away and direct the camera to the direction of an object " that is with this type of magnifying camera other types like original sony camcorders could see the wires of underground at a depth less than 25cm ...

now I have one simple question for you, we are searching for nondestructive methods to serve us in our research including body imaging that china has done so already. by using Infrared and near-infrared Mid-infrared that all are Non-Ionized radiation why you are using Gamma? since gamma is extremely dangerous, or you are calling this Gamma? to generate Gamma radiations you need some instruments and as far as I know, normal CCD and CMOS sensors can't see the gamma or x-ray without a projection screen! our cameras on hand are sensing from 250nm up to 1200nm and you went all the way to 1nm ! could you please explain what LEDs you're using?


Last edited by VIEW THE INVISIBLE; 04-25-2020 at 10:00 PM. Reason: adding a link
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