04-25-2020, 01:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 678
Originally Posted by elhit29
Good evening,
Thanks for reply.
To start with, I'd like to comment on your reply to one skeptic who said the camera will catch the dirt or soil granules and magnifies it, and you confirmed to him that the camera will pick up the dirt granules first then it will jump to catch whatever is underground, whether be it metal or void.. Yes you are right.. this what happens with my Gamma Ray Camera..
Now I will comment on your reply concerning the time it will take to start seeing the streaming live video .. In my gamma camera, first of all it has nothing to do with pinpointing zero spot of target whether metal or void, and therefore, it depends actually whether you are precisely on top of the void.. For example, two years ago when I didn't have other pinpointing target-locating tools and I be for example 5 meters- horizontally away from it, then it used usually to take 10-15 minutes for the camera to catch the target, but since six months ago when I learned to pinpoint zero spots of targets by using other tools, hence when I use the camera on the determined zero spot of man-made void (cave,grave, etc.) of 30 meters deep, it took me only less than 30 seconds to see the void.. which means that I'm precisely on top of target.. this is why I asked you how much time it took your friend to actually see the streaming video.. Again, I'm clarifying issues related to my gamma camera, and not necessary related your camera.
Thank you..
Hmmm , this is Gamma camera ?? (gamma light) or Works with different light ...